For those of you who are regular readers of my blog, there’s no doubt you’ve seen my washi tape storage before because I’ve posted about it a few times. But for anyone who is new or is looking for a washi tape storage solution , this is what I use. Note: This solution is for medium to large collections of washi. If you are looking for storage solutions for smaller collections, check out this link: Washi Tape Storage
How Much Washi Will The Spice Rack Hold?
The Spice Rack I have (I have two), will hold approximately 126-135 rolls of washi tape. 14-15 per row, 3 rows in each shelf, 3 shelves in each container.
Here is mine, (I have two stacked on top of each other)

As you can see, the drawers pull out and down, making it easy to see what’s in each drawer and giving you easy access to your washi! I lined the bottom of each drawer with a piece of white cardstock to prevent any of my washi tape from falling through the bottom of the drawer (which is partially open). I simply cut the cardstock to match the size of the bottom of the drawer, put some adhesive on it and adhered the paper to the bottom of the drawer and voila!
I found both of my spice drawers from goodwill (got lucky!) but you can also purchase them online. Here is a link: Spice Stack. They come in black and white and also in a larger size than the one I have here. Below is a photo of the larger one.
Here is a link to all of the Spice Stack’s available at Amazon.
I did line the bottom of my shelves with cardstock to keep the washi tape from falling through. Just take some Scor-Tape and place a sheet of cardstock on the bottom side of each shelf and you are good to go!
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