I don’t post things like this normally but a great friend of mine has a new grandson who was born 10 weeks premature and is in the NICU. He needs our prayers! Tracy has set up a Go Fund Me page for him as well as his young parents. Please share this post with your friends and family and if you can help, no matter how small or large, please do.
Here is a message from Tracy (Grandma):
My name is Tracy. I am a proud Grandparent to this precious baby. Lincoln Elliot Davis entered our world 10 weeks too soon. He is in a wonderful hospital and they are taking great care of him. We all know that a traumatic event as such is very expensive. He is over an hour away from his mommy and daddy. And they weren’t expecting him so soon!
I know his parents are too proud to ask anyone for help so i will. They will be traveling everyday, staying in hotels when they can. Gas, hotels, food, and then the mountain of hospital bills that are going to start coming in. They will both be losing hours away from work as well. This is a very stressful situation for anyone, much less first time parents.
First and foremost, if you pray, PRAY. Lincoln’s health is the most important thing. I feel it is very important for the parents to be with this little fella. He will gain his strength from theirs.
Will you help us take some of the burden off of their minds so that they can focus on their new baby boy?
Any donations will be greatly appreciated. Gas cards, prepaid cards, or cash. These funds will be used entirely for the parents needs and Lincolns needs in the upcoming weeks.Our entire family thanks you in advance. God Bless you all.
You can help here.
I will keep Lincoln and his family in my prayers!!! I wish I could send a donation but at this time I just can’t afford to BUT if I win one of the gift certificates I would request that the money be given to Lincoln’s family! That is so much more important than me getting new craft goodies!! Wish I could do more but if wishes were dollars I would be rich!
That is such a kind gesture, thank you so much. Prayers will suffice 🙂