I am sorry I’m not blogging much but I have been feeling really rotten and haven’t done anything to blog about. The most I’ve accomplished is wrapping and re-wrapping my ribbon onto my ribbon cards while I sit on the couch. I keep changing my mind about how I want to organize my ribbon (color, type, size, theme..) and I’ve had to redo half of it at least twice now. OCD can be a big pain in the butt when it comes to stuff like this!
Anyway, I can’t wait until I feel better again and can start doing more and when I do, I’ll be back here blogging away about it! I’ve been debating whether or not to blog about other things in my life that are not related to scrapbooking or shopping but haven’t decided. I don’t want to bore those of you who are here to read about hobbies and tips, etc, with other stuff so maybe I should have a separate blog for the “other” stuff. What do you think?
Sorry you aren’t feeling well. I think you can blog about anything you want. It doesn’t just have to be about scrapping.
Feel better soon.
I hope you feel better soon Kathleen.