Today we lost a member of our family, my sweet St. Bernard Abby. She was 12 1/2 years old and she was full of love and happiness up until the very last moment of her life. Her body may have given out but her spirit never did. I’m grateful for the time we had with her and for the love and fun she brought to our lives. I will forever miss her and life will never be the same without her.
Here’s to Abby, may she run free over the Rainbow Bridge with all of other beloved fur babies including Ginger, Rowdy, Jax and Snowbelle.
Thanks for the love and memories baby girl.
Dear Kat,
I’m so sorry to hear about your pup. It’s very hard to lose them. We lost our German Shepherd, Thor, in April and we still miss him terribly.
Elaine Allen
I am so sorry. I am sure she had a good life
My Heart Just Breaks for you and your family. I am so, so very sorry to read about Abby passing. You said it best about all the Joy, Laughs, and Fun that She brought into your lives… Oh the Sweet Memories….May You All be Blessed by the Sweet Memories… Sending You and Your Family Hugs and Love….
So sorry for your loss Kat
I’m so terribly sorry to learn about your beloved family member, Kat, and hope that the joy and love and memories eventually ease the pain. RIP Abby.
So very sorry Kat for your loss. It is so very hard to loose a fur baby, but may the memories you all shared with her keep you warm remembering the happiness and love you all shared.
God bless you all
Jean Hempel
I am so sorry for the loss of your fur baby.
So sorry for your loss. Thise of us who have loved and lost a beloved member of the family will naturally feel others pain and remember with happy/sadness our pets.. To love a pet is a gift , treasure them to rember them. X
Unconditional love – I’ve lost many dogs in my 74 years – it never gets easier. I have a cairn terrier and a miniature poodle – both rescue dogs – talk to them all the time. My husband and I always say no more after these – I love my doorbell dogs – I can’t imagine a life without a dog. I believe that someday I will be joining them all – starting with my first dog “Whiskey”.
So sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful girl!