This year is not turning out to be great for me and my little blog! I’ve spent the entire last week in a self induced semi-coma (via xanax and phenerghan) in an attempt to get through a stomach virus that my sweet son got and shared with me. I don’t mention it much because I don’t want to give it any “energy”, but I have emetophobia which is an irrational and obsessive fear of nausea and/or vomiting. I’ve had it my entire life (since I can remember anyway) and because nobody has been sick lately, I started to get a little careless and I started sharing drinks with my 12 year old. (That is a big No No! for emetophobes!).
Of course, he started feeling sick and got diarrhea early last week and after the poor kid spent most of the night back and forth from the bathroom to the couch I was doing okay, not panicking because I can deal with that part of it, just not nausea and he said he wasn’t nauseous. Poor baby, he either was not telling me because he didn’t want to scare me or he didn’t realize the difference between his own panic and nausea because shortly after he laid down to sleep he woke up getting sick. (Why is it that kids always seem to wake up vomiting when they are sick? ) So I did what I always do when this happens, I took a xanax, a phenerghan, started praying and called grandma!!!!
Luckily, I only got part of the bug and didn’t throw up (Thank you GOD!), but the entire week is a blur because I was literally “out” for all of it until parts of yesterday and today.
I’m sure for those who do not know about emetophobia this will sound like the strangest blog post ever but anyone who has emet or knows someone with it, I know that you understand exactly what this last week has been like!
Now that I’m back, I’m hoping to start working on my coupon site again, but I have such a long to do list, I never know where to start! There is so much to do in real life and then all the things I want to do online and for my coupontrain groups, etc. I still haven’t gotten to use my new cricut yet! (It’s not new anymore but it’s still untouched!)
It is good to stay busy because my sweet little nieces who used to come visit each weekend have moved to Idaho with their mom and dad. (my brother). I’m really happy that they are back together and working things out but I sure do miss my little girls. I don’t usually have pictures to share but I have a couple so I thought I’d share them with you.
Okay well, I’m dizzy, this is the longest I’ve sat up in a week so I think I need to lay back down and gather some more strength. Don’t ya hate rebuilding your strength after you’ve been sick for a long time? It sucks! My brain says I’m better, let’s go! But my body just doesn’t agree!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Hi Kat. Wow sorry you had such a terrible time . That has to be quite scary. Glad you and Ty are feeling better. I have more to respond to but I will do it in your message box. Love you guys.~Leesa