*Update March 2016 – I now own and use the Stampoholic as well as the Stampoholic Nano stamping tools! They are awesome and I’ll do a review soon! I like them so much that I ended up selling my old Misti!
This is the handmade stamping tool “Bruno” made by a friend’s husband and sent to me as a gift.
and this is the inside:
It has a built in grid so you don’t need grid paper or the plastic grid sheets and it’s magnetic. It works with clear stamps (I add a piece of fun foam to the inside) and with unmounted rubber stamps (without the foam).
Happy Stamping!
To view the video in HD click here.
*Update* I am NOT selling Bruno and I can’t share instructions on how to make it because it was a gift. I get a lot of emails asking me about that. Also, here are a few links that others have posted on how to make your own Stamping Tool.
1. This first one is by Hallmark Scrapbook – my favorite online store! Everything you need to create your own can be found here.
2. Mary’s Crafty Designs made her stamping tool using a Cuttlebug All In One Folder – Click Here
3. Joyce over at Paper Finesse Cards has made a DIY Stamping Tool she calls “Geni” (lol). – Click Here
If you know of a another DIY stamping tool video or blog post, please leave a comment and let me know about it. Thanks!
I would say you are a lucky lady to have such a nice friend to make you a personal stamping tool. 🙂
Thanks for sharing. (edited to remove personal info)
Love it!
Brilliant! I too have the other tool and it is showing wear. I will be having my husband create a sturdier stamp press for me. Now to come up with a name. Maybe “stamp right” hmm..
Good for you!! I’m sure my hubby can do the same. I hope my first one will last a good while though!!
PS. Forgot to say that I’m looking forward to your video!!
You’re so lucky! Unfortunately, neither my husband or friends are so handy! LOL!
Wow!! That’s amazing!! It looks great 😀
Lucky you!!
this is soo great! I need some handy friends to make me one! You are blessed and favored! lol
Well Bruno is downright sexy! Thanks for sharing with us.
Lucky you! 🙂 Can’t wait to see the video.
I love this! If, when, my tool cracks or breaks, I do plan on asking someone to make me a sturdier one. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy.
Kathleen thermo Web has ruler tape you can put on it for your measurements. I think it’s on clearance. I just bought a role.
thank you i’ll check it out!
Awesome! Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to your video too.
Awesome. ..love all your disclaimers lol. ..I need to look at one and make my own too! ! DIY for less,
Unfortunately it’s necessary. Thanks for your comment!
Awesome and good for you I say! Years ago… back when I was in high school I tool a shop class and we made objects using plexiglass aka plastic. I made boxes etc. When I saw on video and then ordered and received my “tool” I thought dang, I could have done this. If… and I hope it doesn’t have issues, but if it does, will either enlist the help of my husband or my brother to do the same for me. I never did like using a table saw, too scary for me…LOL.
Thank you for sharing! I feel like I may want something a bit larger than the original sometimes, I do a lot of 5 x 7 cards and would like to be able to stamp on some while they’re open… so I’m also looking at making my own. I had originally rejected the idea of using screws, but yours looks like it works pretty well, so hmmmm… I’m sure it’s cheaper that way… 🙂
Dang- May 11th I comment on this post and I don’t have cracks. Yesterday, the 16th I do have cracks. Emailed with a picture: she is replacing though it was slightly past the 90 day point. Now, I will have a spare that I can give to a friend as an example so he can make me a sturdier version. Thanks, Kathleen for all you do.
Love it!!! Must get one made myself!!
why are the Ms cracking????
I have no idea, something to do with manufacturing defects
Ohh you are so lucky, wish I had someone to make me one, so jealous! I cannot bring myself to shell out the money for the ” other one” especially as I have read some of the messages left on other sites.
Kat, looks good. Are you a leftie? Maybe I should have waited for others to build theirs so they could take the heat.
M’s crack because they are acrylic, not polycarbonate.
I am a righty 🙂 People are making their own all over the place now. 🙂 Some are very creative and using photo frames, dvd boxes and even letterpress thingies.
Good on you Kat . . . I like a ballsy gal who stands up to the bullies . . . and thank you very much. I am now getting my husband to see if he can make something similar for me. I too shelled out for the real thing and paid more like $100 with shipping to UK, so definitely wouldn’t shell out that much again! Again, so pleased you stood up for yourself! I am now a follower of yours and am directing others your way! Have a lovely evening/day. Hazel xx
Thank you so much Hazel!
Would love to know where to get the dvd case? Haven’t seen any like yours around. Great idea. Too bad the Misty is not worth the high price.
Here is everything you need to make your own stamping tool! http://goo.gl/vJ35u1
Pretty lousy of you to brag about what your friend made and then not share even so much as a supply list even if you felt you couldn’t give instructions on how to make one. What a waste of my time coming to your blog from my search about MISTI tutorials. I had not heard about the MISTI cracking. I received one for Christmas, supposedly the “newest version”, so hopefully that issue has been corrected. But, whether or not my MISTI ever cracks, I’ll never waste my time visiting your Scrappy Blogging Life again, That’s for sure! suzyquesq2@hotmail.com
What a rude comment to leave on my blog. To be honest it’s not lousy and I’m not bragging, my friend’s husband made a stamping tool as a GIFT for me and I don’t have a clue as to HOW he made it. Furthermore, she asked me not to ask questions because she is afraid of getting sued by the other stamping tool maker (who is threatening to sue anyone who makes their own). Perhaps instead of leaving nasty comments on blogs you should take a look around you and see that there are other reasons things are or are not posted. Or you could ASK before judging someone! I’m glad you won’t be visiting my blog, I don’t blog for people like you!
Hi! Thanks for all the info! I have almost given up on ever finding the case you used. Can you tell me where you found it? Also the link above did not work…could you repost it? THANK YOU!
Mine was custom made but you can use any tablet case that will fit 🙂
Thanks for writing! I did find the one that you used on th Hallmark Scrapbook website and have ordered it. Appreciate your reply!
There are several videos on YouTube showing different ways to make your own. One easy one is here (it’s in Spanish, but if you don’t speak Spanish, the video is simple enough to follow):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_g-FV-VvDk
I made the Hallmark one and I LOVE IT!!
You asked about other stamping tools. I read somewhere that a photo frame called HEMMINGSBO could be bought at Ikea (approx $8) and used like a Misti tool. It’s not so fancy, but it works. It fits an A4 piece of paper. I can’t say how sturdy it is compared to the Misti, but it suits me fine.