I thought that rather than just adding a link to my favorite scrap rooms, whenever I have one to add I will post about it first and then add it. That way you will know it’s there! Today I ran across a 2peas member’s room that has some fabulous storage ideas and her room is so pretty but still realistic. (You know what I mean!) Anyway, here are a few pictures and at the bottom I will link to her original post on her blog so you can see it in more detail.
The Blog is “I Rock Paper and Scissors” . First of all, how CUTE is that name? I love it! Here are a few of my favorite parts of her room.
I chose this picture because I’m always looking for ways to better organize my stickers and embellishments. I think she has a fabulous set up here. I can’t copy this because I don’t have room for little baskets like this but if I did, this is how I would organize mine!
This next picture I chose because HOW COOL is it to have TWO monitors like this?
In this picture you will see the most beautiful little cabinet that she keeps her chipboard alphas in. Mine are in ugly little nail/screw organization thingies from Home Depot! LOL
And just how awesome is it to have a wall to hang your layouts when you finish them and before they go in albums? I sometimes feel badly sticking my newly finished pages into a box where nobody can see them (including me)….I want a wall like this!!!
There are many more pictures and details on her blog which you can find by clicking here: I ROCK PAPER AND SCISSORS. Thanks Mary Ann for sharing your room and organizational ideas with us!
And thanks to you for stopping by my little blog today. Hope to see you back here again soon! Have a great Sunday!
Thanks for all the sweet comments about my scrapping space! I love spending time in there creating, and love that it really IS a functional room, not just pretty lol.
Thanks for visiting my blog too 🙂
Happy Scrapping!