As a non-sewer, I’m considering buying this Janome 11542 sewing machine (refurbished) from They have it for a great price (around $60.00) so I thought I’d post and ask if anyone has any experience with this brand or this machine in particular. I’d love to hear from you if you can help me out. I want to use the machine to sew on my scrap pages and small sewing projects (like a cricut cover, cricut carrier, etc) so it’s not like I’ll turn into a heavy duty sewing queen anytime soon!
This is funny. I don’t know the first thing about sewing, I was actually looking for info when I ran into your blog. I guess I’ll stop and see what info your get. And how you liked whatever you decide to purchase.
As a non-sewer, I bought a sewing machine years ago … I returned it within a week because it made me cranky 🙂
Happy blogoversary!
I went ahead and bought it. I’ll post and let you know how I like it once it gets here and I’ve had time to play around with it 🙂
hi, I bought this machine (a similar one) from and I love it! I am a lifetime sewer, and my “real” machine cost over $500 and is very bulky. So i wanted just a little one to use for my cards, and bought this one. and I LOVE it!! it’s very lightweight, and it can sew right through a layer of cardstock and paper… I love it. YAY I’m excited for you to get it! O) PS I was supposed to be on the OWH bunny hop blog but somehow my post didnt’ show up! 🙁 So you can see my blog at
Janome is an awesome machine….you will LOVE it!
I am considering buying one also. I’m a novice. Was wondering how you liked yours so far. Thanks!