Kat Scrappiness.com Design Team Call
Closing Date: November 30, 2011
Website: http://www.KatScrappiness.com
Kat Scrappiness offers handmade scrapbooking embellishments. We specialize in felt die cut embellishments as well as fabric and paper embellishments. We will be taking submissions fro now through November 30, 2011. Announcements will be made on or before December 5th, 2011.
I’m looking for creative, dedicated and fun-loving scrapbookers and card makers who enjoy sharing their love of these crafts with others to help build our very first design team. As a Design Team member, you will be huge part of promoting the products in our shop on YouTube, your blog, Facebook and representing Kat Scrappiness wherever you can.
Design Team Requirements
1. Design team term is from 12/05/2011 – 05/05/2012 (Six Months). Please make sure you can commit to a full six month term before applying.
2. Create two finished projects each month using the products I send you in your monthly design team package. Although I only ask for two projects each month, you can create as many as you’d like. Two is the minimum.
3. Blog posting: you must have a blog and post your projects with our store name, product name and link the items to the appropriate page in the store.
4. Facebook fan page: Post a link to your blog posts and add it to our fan page or send the information to me and I’ll post it for you.
5. YouTube Channel: You must have a YouTube channel and the ability to create and upload videos. Create a video showing either the process of creating your project or the completed project with an overview of how you created it and what products you used and upload it to your YouTube channel and the new KatScrappiness channel.
4. Host one challenge on your blog during your six month term with one of our products as the prize.
5. Place other design team members, the Kat Scrappiness Store and Facebook fan page links on your blog side bar so that others can find our store and the other design team members easily.
Your compensation for being a design team member will be:
Free monthly design team products, including shipping, for release months December – May 2012.
A 15% discount on all purchases made by you through the Kat Scrappiness.com website.
Recognition on our blog (www.KathleenDriggers.com) with a link to your blog and a short bio on the design team member page.
To apply, please email the following to katscrappiness@hotmail.com (subject – Design Team):
1. Full name, phone number, email address and mailing address
2. Photos or videos (or links to same) of 2 scrapbooking layouts and 3 cards or other projects (altered projects, etc.).
3. Links to your Blog and YouTube Channel
4. A short paragraph or two about why you would like to be a Kat Scrappiness design team member as well as a list of your current scrapbooking commitments such as other design teams, etc.
Thank you for your interest in becoming a part of the very first design team at Kat Scrappiness.com! I look forward to getting to know each of you!
Wow, congratulations on putting together a design team. I wish you well and I can think of a few people that would make a wonderful design team member for your store, best of luck!
Kim just emailed me about this, it sounds like fun!!!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh me me me me!!!! Question…the projects that we are showing you as an entry, do you require that they are using KatScrappiness products? I’m sure it’s preferred but at this point are you just choosing a style, etc.?
Sounds Super fun! If I wasn’t going to have a baby in 2 months I’d really think about applying. Good luck! ~Yvonne
Congrats! This sounds like a great idea and should be a blast for your new design team!
Congrats on your future venture! What an exciting time for you……