Bad Blogger! I’ve been so busy now that I am able to do things again that I’ve been neglecting my blog! I was down for so long that now I want to do everything I possibly can, while I can since I never know what tomorrow will hold!
I do miss blogging but I’m getting so much done IRL (in real life). I’ve been working on my scrap room, my house in general (Word to the wide: NEVER get sick for any length of time when you have two boys!!) You’d think that at almost 17 and 12, they’d want to live in cleanliness and order but NOOOO, they don’t seem to notice the piles of junk, dirt, germs, dirty laundry, etc., that they allowed to gather everywhere while I was sick. God Love Them! 🙂
Anyway, I’ve been couponing like crazy and trying to shop as much as I can so that if I get sick again, we will be “stocked” up unlike last time when we ran out of everything! I’m saving so much money with coupons and all the tricks of the “trade” that I’m determined to share some of it with you here on my blog (very soon). I’ll try to add a little as often as possible.
I am going to discontinue my “Scrappy Quote of the Day”, although I love them, it’s annoying to have them all archived everyday. Until I can find a way to do them automatically everyday I’ll have to find something else fun to add to the blog. I hate the quote of the day widgets because of the ads, I refuse to have ads on my blog so if it comes with ads, I am not using it! The only ad you will ever see is if I ever put a link to one of my other sites on here (which I’ve not done yet LOL). I hate ads all over the internet…especially on personal blogs. I’m not sure why, everyone is entitled to earn money wherever they can, but I just get so sick of seeing them. I feel like the person isn’t trying to share with me through their blog, just sell TO me. It sounds much harsher when I write it so don’t take it personally if you have ads on your blog. JMHO (just my humble opinion).
I am loving my new camera! It’s so awesome! I finally figured out how to take shots continuously of my son skateboarding without blurring! It’s so cool that there is absolutely no hesitation between shots. I’ve never had a camera this awesome before. I have so much to learn yet but that was the main reason I purchased this particular camera so I’m really happy.
Tyler, my youngest son is graduating from elementary school (even though he’s homeschooled), and will be starting “junior high” next year. I am going to throw him a little graduation party/dinner to encourage him and show him how proud I am of him. Justin was in public school when he graduated from elementary and they had a big ceremony that so much fun. His classmates voted him the “Funniest” kid in their 6th grade class and I was so proud of him. He was funny just because it was his way, he never “tried” to be funny. Gosh I miss that. The humor was replaced with hormones and rebellion the next year. Now Tyler is approaching that age….I can’t believe it! I already miss the boys and they aren’t even gone yet. Which brings me to my next bit of news…Justin, my oldest, is going to Job Corp. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very proud of him for choosing to finish his education and have accepted that this is his choice and that my choice for him (college!) just wasn’t his cup of tea…but he’s never been away from me, and Job Corp is on the other side of the state! It’s SO far away…It doesn’t seem real yet, but I honestly don’t know how I will get through each day without my baby boy around. Although I’m sure that Tyler will do his best to make sure I do! (lol)
I planned on having Justin live at home until he graduated college and now he’s moving out to go to Job Corp at 17….I’m not ready!!! Although, I could use his room for crafting….but he already nixed that idea! lol He’s been telling me forever that he is moving out and when Job Corp is done he is moving into his own place so I mentioned redoing his room and he wasn’t having that at all!!! He said he wanted it to stay the same and with the cutest grin in the world, he muttered something about “maybe” needing a place to stay during his transition from Job Corp to his own place. (haha! Reality is starting to set in!!!). At least I’ll be able to clean it while he is gone…I’m not allowed to touch anything in there when he’s home! Just as well I say, let him clean his own mess or live in it! I still have the messiest 12 year old in the world to clean up after.
Speaking of which…I swear, Tyler reminds me of that little kid from Charlie Brown who had the dirt storm surrounding him constantly! Everywhere Ty goes, mess follows. I’m not kidding! I can tell exactly where he’s been and what he’s done just by following his trail of garbage and “stuff” he leaves wherever he goes! I know part of his messiness is related to autism, he forgets things constantly, and has to be retaught on a daily basis, but MOST of it, in my opinion, is just laziness and whatever else makes boys so dirty! He’s so smart, he he tried to pull a fast one on me but luckily, he’s not good at it yet! Once when I asked him why he didn’t clean up after himself, and he replied,
“I can’t, I have autism!”.
HA! Talk about a clever one! I didn’t let that one fly believe you me! He’s heard me lecture/explain to him that having autism was not an excuse or easy way out of anything, that if anything, it meant he had to try harder at most things than others and that some things came to him easier and differently than others. He tried that whole “I have autism” thing several times when he got old enough to somewhat understand that he had “something” different about him. He is too smart for his own good sometimes LOL
Now when I ask him why he didn’t do something he should have (like cleaning up after himself), he usually says either “I forgot” or “Because I’m too lazy”! Now THAT’S more like it! At least it’s more honest!
Enough blogging for now, I have so much to do today! I never went to sleep last night and I figure I’ll just keep going until I run out of “go”!
Have a WONDERFUL WEEKEND and please take a minute to leave me a comment – I’d love to hear from you! Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog and/or follow me on twitter. If you have a blog, why don’t you leave me a link so I can visit? Thanks for stopping by! Watch for my upcoming posts about coupons, my scrap room and whatever else comes up!
I can't I have autisum, LOVE IT! Kids are funny!