My Scrap Room (**In Progress)
**This has been driving me nuts. HOW do you spell scrap room? scraproom, scrap-room, scrap room? My spell checker and both say it should be “scrap room” and so that’s what I’ve been using but I keep seeing other ways of spelling it and it’s driving me nuts not knowing for sure! Anyway, onto my blog post.**
I’ve been reading a book that I absolutely love, it is full of great advice and simple ideas for anyone setting up their own scrapbooking space or room. It’s called “The Organized & Inspired Scrapbooker” by Wendy Smedley & Amy Garvey. I checked it out from my local library and haven’t been able to put it down.

I’ve been (and still am) very frustrated at how long it’s taking me to “figure out” what to do with my mess of a scrap room. Because I am very limited on money and “know-how”, and I’m working with misc. buys from here that I’ve picked up over time, my room is not as “pretty” as I’d like it to be. If I don’t like my space, I probably won’t use it so I’m trying to find something that is inspiring enough to build the design around. I know what colors I’m using but none of my things seem to be fitting in the space I have. At times like these, I just want to chuck everything out the door and go buy matching everything at Ikea or something LOL But since that is not my reality, I have to be patient (not my strong point!) and keep working at it. I suppose I’ll appreciate it more when I finally finish that way, right? Yeah…okay.
Maybe I am trying to achieve the impossible? Once you see rooms like the ones I’m going to show you, everything else suffers by comparison!
My Favorite Scrap Rooms
I have spent so many hours searching the the internet looking at other people’s organization methods and scrap room pictures and thought I’d share some of my favorites with you. (Click on the picture to visit their websites and to see more pictures).
- Confessions of a Scrap Addict – Angelina has so much style and creativity! It completely inspires me! Take a look at her beautiful scrap room!
- Scrap Happens – I just want to go sit in that green chair and be a part of this room! Everything is so clean and organized and it all matches! How do people do this? lol
- Nikki’s Gallery – What can I say? This is just outstanding. The picture is a little dark but if you click on it and view her gallery, you will see out cool her studio is.
So, there are hundreds of rooms out there or at least parts of rooms that I really like and these are only three. There is no “one” scrap room so far that I’ve seen that is exactly what I want (or can realistically create) but by looking at what others have done, I can see what I do and don’t want and try to find my own style, my own organization and then try to make it all fit in my space! Although it’s much harder than that, that’s the basic thought process!
Do you have a scrap room that is in progress or already finished? Send me a link! I’d love to see it!
Happy Scrapping until next time,
OMG these are beautiful rooms. Mine is in progress but here are few things from their room that caught my attention.
1. Angelina. Love the project tables and all the fabulous decor.
2. Scrap Happens. Love the idea of displaying some of my LOs.
3. Nikki’s Studio. Love the ribbon wall.
Thanks Kathleen for sharing these inspirational studios with us.
I love those rooms! Gives me some inspiration for my next one 🙂
Thank you for including my room and all the wonderful comments! I hadn’t seen either of the other rooms, so thanks for sharing. BTW, I have that book as well.