Well I made it through as you can tell from my last post. Justin made it safely to Idaho and although still having some withdraw, he is getting through it. He is living with my brother his wife and my two little nieces (3 and 6). He’s only been gone a few days but he made a comment to my brother and sis-in-law that he had more fun in one day there than he has had in the last month here. (That’s a positive sign!) Just hearing him admit to having had fun made me so happy I wanted to cry. I can’t remember the last time I saw him smile, laugh or have fun. My heart is full today. 🙂
My brother and his wife took Justin to see an apartment nearby that is $325.00 a month including all utilities (!) that could be his first apartment when he gets a job and he was thrilled and has a goal to work toward now. Can you imagine the cost of living being so low? I pay more than that in taxes and insurance on my mortgage each month! GASP! I guess Idaho is a good place to be if you are young and just starting out.
I also want to thank you so much for your prayers, well wishes and for caring about my son and his well being. The sweet, supportive messages I’ve received mean the world to me and the fact that you can all support us without judging gives me renewed hope in mankind as a whole. So thank you to my friends, family and internet friends 🙂 Today is a good day. I hope you all have a good one too!
With much love,
*hugs* Kat!