Two posts in one day! Whew! I’m on a roll here! lol
Seriously though, I just wanted to share a picture and a video of the new storage unit that I put in my scrap room. It’s not “that” new because I used to use it in my garage to store extra cleaning supplies, etc but I decided to move it to the scrap room because it would be much better utilized in there! I bought it at Costco and it was just a little over $100.00. I am almost certain that my Costco still has it so if you are interested, take a look at your local Costco or maybe 🙂
The bins are perfect and each row gets bigger as you go down. There are five rows and 21 storage bins in total. They are much deeper than they look so they hold a LOT! They are the perfect length for thickers! (hehe)
Here is a picture and below is the video I made showing what I store in each bin.
Thanks for stopping by!
I love your video and the bin is awesome as well as the organization…I could surely use a system like that!
Love this organizer! I am def going to have to look at Costco! Thanks for sharing the video.
wow thats an awesome unit!
I just started (within the last few weeks) collecting a bunch of stuff to start scrapbooking and doing mixed media arts… So far my organization includes them sitting in their original bags on a table, lol. 🙂 But your unit is awesome!!
Would you please tell me the brand name of this…. I love it. thanks Patty
Hi Patty, I can’t find a name anywhere on it. If it’s on the bottom I’ll never find it because it’s heavy when it’s full! lol But I got it at Costco here in Silverdale. Sorry, I wish I could be more help.
i love this unit too! question: do the large bins hold 12×12 paper?
no, it holds 81/2×11 though 🙂
Hi Kat, I just saw this post on Crafty Storage! I was wondering what kind of glue you use to make your homemade glimmer mists you mentioned in the video? And how much paint to glue and water? I would LOVE to try this!
OH WOW! I just saw you that you live in East Bremerton!! Haha! I live in Port Orchard! It’s a small world!
amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com
Hi Amy, I’ve tried different liquid glues and you can use any kind including glossy accents, mod podge, etc. You don’t really need it unless you use a powder to add the glimmer but I didn’t know that when I first started making my glimmer mists. I will explain in an upcoming post and video how I make my mists/glimmer mists so stay tuned! 🙂
Kat, on the video you mentioned homemade glimmer mist. Would you tell us how much metallic paint, glue and water you use and in what proportions. I love glimmer mist but find it too expensive for my budget and was really excited to hear that one can make their own! Thanks for showing us your great storage unit.
Hi, I’m planning on making a video showing how to make homemade mists and glimmer mists as soon as I get my voice back. (Have tonsillitis right now) Stay tuned okay? Thanks for posting on my blog!
Kat, Love your organizational ideas. I will send you some of mine. I was wondering if you had any forms for ribbon, I just wanted to do the inventory of the “kits” I have I had all of those forms on computer and laptop was stolen and I did not have back up so I thank you so much for your forms I have put them to use good 🙂 Also, thanks for the link to the ranger forms. Thanks Again! D