Hi everyone. Life has taken a hard turn since I last posted. This Coronavirus has us all terrified (or should anyway) and it’s affecting everyone worldwide.
As a sufferer of anxiety and ocd on a good day, since this outbreak, I’ve been a bit of a basket case and my doctor suggested that i get an emotional support animal. As you all know, I lost my sweet St. Bernard Abby in November of 2018 and I never thought I’d find another companion that could help the way she did (and Ginger before her).
My friend and neighbor, suggested I go to the Humane Society with her and look at a specific dog. When we arrived they told us she had anxiety issues and so she wouldn’t be a good ESA for me but she recommended another pup named Ava. Ava was a stray in Hawaii who was transferred here and was adopted for six months. Unfortunately, the owner lost his home and became homeless and had to return her back to the shelter. She is about six years old and has some special needs but I will take are of her for the rest of her life (God willing).
When I saw her there were three of us in the room and she RAN through the door and STRAIGHT to me and put her head in my lap and I KNEW she was for me. I laughed at first because she is pretty hefty and she reminds me of a sausage (I realize this is not healthy and I’ve put her on a healthy eating plan), but it was so cute at first that my friend and the worker and myself all got a good giggle out of it. You can kind of see how round she is in this picture:
Ava is a mix of a German shorthaired pointer and a pit bull terrier. She has The sweetest personality, is house trained, listens (almost all the time) and is the snuggliest little sweetie, just like Abby was. She climbs under my blankets and tunnels through the bed until she finds her “spot” and then sleeps with head on my legs. If I get panicky or anxious, she seems to notice and comes to me. One day she put her head on my head and leaned on me until I felt better. It was the sweetest.
Her only bad habits are that she was fed people food so she doesn’t want dog food and she wants to escape out the front door when I open it. She ALWAYS wants to go somewhere lol she LOVES to investigate new areas and her nose takes her wherever it wants to lol.
I’m forever grateful to have found the perfect companion and ESA for me and hope that my loved ones on the other side had a part in bringing together.
Here are a few more pics of Ava just for fun. I pray for everyone to stay well and safe from this virus and that this passes us sooner rather than later. PLEASE stay home if you can and clean clean clean! Crafty Love to you all, from Kat
Yay so very happy you found a companion! Ava looks very happy and she has a great home with you..Hugs my friend!
Thank you, she is a happy silly sweet lazy girl 🙂 I Love her already!
Congratulations on your new Support Friend…she will bring you many years of love and happiness.
Thank you I pray she will be with me for as long as possible
She looks awesome! Good find for both of you 😀
Thank you!
Congratulations!!!! Finding another companion is difficult. But, there she was!!! Waiting for you!!!
Thanks, I had my doubts I’d ever find another one after losing my Abby girl….but here she is…just took some time for my heart to heal.
Ava is a cutie! Thank God you found each other. These are indeed uncertain times that bring a lot of anxiety and stress to a lot of us. I hope your anxiety level goes down soon. Hang in there Kat and God bless.
Thank you so much!
I am so happy for you AND Ava! What perfect timing to find your perfect pet. She reminds me of my brother’s dog, who is same light brown color & is part Pitbull & Boxer. She’s the sweetest, & she will even give a big hug when you need it. She’s solid as a sausage, too! Lol Enjoy every moment.
Thank you so much. Ava gives hugs too, she will come up to you and put her head on you and lean with all her body weight on you for at least a minute if not more. she is the sweetest!
I love it when dogs lean–it makes me feel so included, like I’m part of the pack. She’s a beautiful dog and it is wonderful that you found each other. Sometimes, pets can make crafting more…challenging, though I doubt that she is walking across your projects like my cats do. I hope that she is keeping your feet warm and grounded while you create. Health, peace and canine hugs to you.