Over the years I have met some of the nicest people ever online, truly wonderful people who I have formed what I hope will be lifelong friendships with. On the other hand, I have also come into contact with some of the meanest (and most fake) people EVER, if I am being completely honest. Oh the stories I could tell….but I want to focus on the message here which is ultimately very positive, and I have to say that recently, one kind individual made me believe in the goodness of others again.
One of my online friends who I promise not to name because she would probably be embarrassed, went out of her way to help me with something I didn’t even ask for help with (but secretly needed it). This is not a little thing she did, it is HUGE. It was a shock and surprise and I was humbled and taught a life lesson by this act of kindness.
You see, over the years in this community of crafters, I have learned the hard way not to trust everyone, and that some people had a motive for anything they did or said. I have a guard up because it seems that some people either want something or like I said, has an ulterior motive. I keep my head down and avoid the mean ones whose names I will NEVER forget for all the hurt and grief they have caused me. While I am not a good enough person to pray for them (LOL) I do pray for others that cross their path, that they are not hurt, used, misunderstood, misjudged or lied about the way I was by these same people. That’s the best I can do for now, until I become a more advanced and forgiving person, I guess. (told you this was going to be honest!)
Anyway, because of all that I’ve been through, I have kind of disappeared from YouTube, blogging and being social in general. My love for this craft took a big dive for quite some time (due to the stress), but I just went on and kept my head down, focused on my business and kept helping others when and where I could (and can). No matter how badly others treat me, I will NEVER allow them to make me bitter or take away my desire to help others learn and enjoy this hobby.
I am in NO WAY blameless or perfect, I have made mistakes, said things I wish I had not, promoted a product I wish I hadn’t promoted or sold. But with that being said, I did/do not deserve the treatment that I received (and still receive) from a portion of this community that has me “blackballed”. I never did or do anything with the intent to hurt anyone else and believe I am a good person with faults just like anyone else. I have apologized to people who I felt like I could have treated better, some have accepted and apologized in return and some, did not accept it but that just shows me they are still in a place of negativity and I don’t need them in my life anyway. You see, the way people react or treat you sometimes shows you THEIR problems, not yours and you can’t or shouldn’t take it personally. I can sleep well at night knowing I did my best and that is enough for me to be happy.
Anyway…..the reason for this post is that I am sure that MANY of you can relate in some way to this post and to some of my experiences and I don’t want you to give up or disappear the way I kind of did. This wonderful online friend of mine restored my faith in people in general, including this community. I realized after taking a step back and looking around, at the wonderful people I am surrounded by now in this community. I stay away from the negative people and drama to the best of my ability and surround myself with people who I feel are kind and caring and GENUINE. My friend that did something kind for me, well, I don’t know how to thank her but the kindness, thoughtfulness and generosity of ONE PERSON can help wipe away so much of the hurt from the mean girls I’ve met in this community and shows me that there are still good people out there.
So, if you have been mistreated or treated unfairly by this community or some members of it, don’t lose hope and don’t let them deter you from enjoying your craft. Shake it off and get your craft on!
Be true to yourself… be you… and ..BREATHE.! Life’s too short to let others take up valuable real estate in your head.
I agree with Mary Ann. Keep doing what you’re doing. People can be nasty but focus on the good.
I am so sorry you have gone through this. I have seen you only as a very nice person. Mean people suck!
It is so hard to ignore the haters, mean girls, and unhappy people, It does suck the life right out of you. That is why going forward place no more energy on them, it is not worth it. Do not let them have the power over you. You take YOUR strength and power and choose NOT to be effected by them. A long time ago someone said to me do not let them have the power and a light went on. I hope thinking that way helps you.
I love what Mary Ann Evans posted. However, when you’ve been hurt it’s difficult to practice not letting their actions/comments resurface. I usually don’t post comments but felt you needed some encouragement. Do not let anyone rob you of your joy. Forgiving people is the high road but it doesn’t mean that you need to trust them. This saying has stuck in my head for many years. You reap what you sow, more than you sow and later than you sow. You continue to sow joy and kindness. At some point those mean people will reap what they have sowed.
You are a genuine sweetheart and I’m sorry you’ve been hurt Kat! Life can suck but it’s minutely and the bad doesn’t last long and is usually followed by something wonderful! So glad you have a friend who made you feel so special!
You are one of the most generous, loving, funny, and genuine person I’ve ever (online) met, LOL. As we talked about, the “negative” people will not make a difference in our lives. We will continue to do what we do. <3
Thank you – there are some things in this post that I really needed today and you’ve helped me see that the way people treat me is their problem not mine. I’m sorry you’ve been treated badly. I always thought the crafting community were supposed to be kind to each other, but apparently not everyone abides by that. Don’t let them rob you of your joy and creativity. I’m glad the act of kindness from your friend helped restore your faith. Hang in there and keep on spreading joy.
I have only read a few posts on this subject because only a few people are brave enough to call out the ugly. I have experienced what you are talking about and honestly it just fuels me forward. You have a new friend~cheering you on!!!
Happy to see you are back! Keep on Crafting. It is hard to see the good in all people. Keep on Crafting!
I have never heard anything negative about you Kat and am unaware of the trouble that went on. I am glad you are back, and thank your friend for that! I have suffered in other groups from nasty people and at times need to be reminded that there are many good people!