I am so sorry I haven’t been posting much but I’m here I promise! LOL I’ve been busy making Christmas cards and enjoying all the hauls I got in for my birthday and Christmas month. When I’m not dying from this dumb toothache that is! I’m going to the dentist tomorrow so here’s hoping they can do something to get this pain under control.
I have a ton of Christmas cards to share but I just don’t feel well enough to take pictures of them and post them all right now. I did however take a picture of the birthday card I made for my ex husband (and friend) for his birthday so I can share that with you! Oh, did I mention that my CAMEO got here this week??? I LOVE IT!!!!!!! I am so glad I sold my cricut and got the cameo, it kicks cricut’s little tooshie! More on that later, I’m on my way to bed with a hot pack to try to sleep through the pain of this stupid toothache. Have a great day everyone!
Hope your tooth feels better soon! And you HAVE to do some videos on the Cameo when you feel better. I’m wondering if I want one come tax time…. Lol.