Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog today! I know I’ve been posting a lot about my older son, Justin so today I wanted to update you on Tyler (my youngest son).
Tyler is now 14 and is taller than me and his older brother (and his grandparents…). He wears a size 10 1/2 shoe! This kid is eating me out of house and home! LOL
As many of you know, Ty has been homeschooled for the past few years because he was abused at school by a “teacher” and it took him this long in counseling to be open to the possibility that not all teachers are bad. Well the great news is that he is going back to regular school this year!!!!!!!! This is a huge deal for us after what happened and I’m so proud of him! I’m excited that his world will be opening up and he will have the socialization of other kids his age. He is going into 9th grade (if his testing goes well), I’ll know for sure next week. Anyway, here is a picture of my “little” boy sleeping on Grandma’s & Poppy’s couch taken this afternoon.
Take a look at the size of this kid’s feet in this picture! lol (I hope he grows into them!) Just kidding Ty, I love you buddy!
So life with us is going pretty well at the moment, Ty is taking a new medication that is for ADHD and it seems to be making a huge difference in his behavior. Justin will be 60 days clean next Thursday, and the only thing we have to deal with now is his upcoming court date. Please keep him in your prayers that things will work out for the best. He sure has put forth the effort to change his ways, I couldn’t ask for anything more from him (except maybe to get a job! LOL). The dogs and cat are healthy and happy and though I’m still struggling with the pain and fatigue of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I’m as happy as I can imagine being; all things considered!
I want to send out a huge thank you to my family, friends and readers for taking the time to read my posts and keep updated on the boys and I, it means so much to me that you care.
Hey Kat!
I am so glad that your youngest son is going to be able to be around kids his age and doing better all around. And your oldest son….Big Congrat’s…..Thanks for sharing your family with us and good to hear rhat things are getting better for all!!
will say a prayer we have been in court so much now ive lst count. Brandon has done 2 stints in jail and it sucks. so far he is still clean this time so we are cautiously optimistic! good luck
I’m glad to hear your younger son will attend school with his peers. I hope he finds faith in people again.