I can’t believe I’m finally posting! I’m not even sure if anyone ever reads this anymore because I’m such a terrible blogger! The truth is that I blog so much for thecouponwiki.com that I never feel like I have anything left for this pitiful little blog that I used to spend so much time on.
Earlier today, I found myself staring into the abyss of my “scrap room” and realized that I haven’t done anything scrap related (including shopping! YIKES!) in so long because couponing has taken over my life. It’s a good thing because I’m saving so much money and learning so much that I can then teach others but a little part of me wishes there were more hours in the day and more energy in my body to do more. More on that later though.
The boys are the same basically. Justin has decided to “stretch” his piercing in his ear and it’s horrible and huge now. I hate it! Everytime I look at the huge hole in my baby’s earlobes it hurts inside (not to mention makes me feel gaggy). But he turns 18 in a couple of weeks and no matter how hard I’ve tried, he has found a way to do what he wants over the last couple of years. I’ve learned that parenting a boy like Justin takes a WHOLE LOT of prayer and faith in God as well as banking on the hope that what few good things I’ve taught him, will be there for him to pull out of his “virtual backpack” when he needs it in his life. I hope that makes sense.
Here’s the latest picture I was able to steal of Justin.
Tyler is well, entering those difficult years that I’m hoping are starting to end with Justin. I keep thinking to myself, “Here I Go Again”….only I didn’t get a break in between and Tyler has autism on top of everything else. In some ways that helps me because he tells on himself without knowing it and is not able to lie and be as devious as Justin was at his age (lol). He is having a lot of trouble making and keeping (mostly keeping) friends. It’s just not easy for poor Ty. Not that it is for any boy his age but you know what I mean. He has grown several inches over the last six months or so. He’s now as tall as me (5’6”) and he turned 13 in April. He is wearing a size 10 1/2 mens shoe and his brother and I still wear the same size (which is smaller) lol. It’s funny though because I can shop for shoes for Justin by trying them on me. I can’t do that with Ty!
Here is a picture of Ty I just took a few seconds ago.
Abby and Ginger are doing well. Abby is still growing so I guess the humane society was wrong when they told me how old she was. She IS still a baby and still growing. She is the sweetest, most lovable clown ever! Ginger has even grown to love her and put up with all her energy. lol Ginger is my girl..just wants to lay around and love and be loved but doesn’t want to put a lot of effort into it LOL Heck, she’s earned that right after almost ten years with this family! Here are a couple of pics of Abby and Ginger. Not sure how new they are, I take them all the time lol
Ginger and Abby napping on the couch!
As for me, I’ve been chugging along. The chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia really rules my daily life but I’m learning to work with and live with it. I just have to deal with the depression that comes along with it all now. I can say that there are so many things that you have to learn when living with these two conditions (or whatever you want to call them), and the only way (The ONLY way) to learn them is to live and learn. The reason is that it is different for each person so the symptoms I have and the things that help or (don’t help) me, may not be the same as yours, or someone else’s. Does that make sense? I can say that I have found a cocktail of meds that seem to be helping but it’s certainly not a cure-all or even close. It just makes life “livable” 80% of the time. The other 20%? I grin, bear it and pray. One person who has helped me tremendously is my Granddad, otherwise known as “Granddad McDreamy”. I waited all my life for him and he was sure worth the wait! That man has a heart of gold and just “gets” me. I love him so much, I never thought it possible. He doesn’t like the internet so he won’t read this but if by chance he ever does, I love you Granddad. Thank you for all of our special talks and for the bond we share. You make my life so special.
Okay so now that I’m crying, I need to stop and get back to work! My coupon site is having technical issues today and I need to get back to it and get them fixed. I wish I had a simple wordpress blog like so many other coupon sites. WordPress is SO EASY! But I chose a more difficult route….(why do I always do that? LOL). Anyway, I hope whoever still reads this is doing well and that you will contact me and let me know how you are doing as well. I miss all my blogging friends and I’m sorry I’m not better at staying in touch. Somedays, most days, I just do what I “can” to get by ya know?
Love to you all!
I still read it! I love to be caught up on what is going on with all of you. I cannot believe the boys. Justin is so handsome. I worry so about him. And my little Ty is no longer little that is for sure. I worry so about him too. And actually I love that picture of you for a few reasons. It depicts so much of what you are feeling and I love the look of it though I would love to see you smiling. Keeping all of you in my prayers. Love you all. Leesa
I'm still here! I enjoyed learning about your family and relating to never having enough time for anything! School has totally consumed me in the last semester! All of your pictures are so sweet. 🙂
Don't keep too busy to not have *you* time now! You deserve some "do what you want" time! Get to it. 🙂
You GOTTA know I'm here 🙂 I always read. Thanks for the pix, Ty looks so adorable. Yeah, I don't understand the piercing thing either 🙁 My 46 yo daughter just got a huge tatoo and she is a "normal" person otherwise…don't understand the tatoo! Keep on plugging..sometimes it's all we can do, sometimes we can do more. I wish there were more organic coupons, thanks to you I have found more though. Have a better day and thanks for posting@@@@@@——–> Fran