Lord, help me through this day…my oldest son, Justin is moving to Idaho today to live with my brother and sister-in-law (and nieces) and while I believe this is the best and safest place for him (besides rehab, which he is refusing), I’m terrified to let him out of my sight. I trust my brother […]
What I’ve been up to lately…
I am so sorry I haven’t been blogging much but things have been busy around here! On a personal front, Justin hasn’t been doing well at all, he had a bad relapse and your thoughts and prayers would be greatly appreciated right now. (Thanks in advance). Tyler is adjusting pretty well to public school. As […]
Justin’s First Tattoo!
waaahhhh! My baby got his first tattoo! It is SO hard to see his perfect skin changed by a tattoo but I know he’s 19 and can make these decisions for himself. At least it’s a cute one! I have two so I can’t really say much but it IS different when it’s your child […]
An update on the Driggers Family and especially, Tyler!
Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog today! I know I’ve been posting a lot about my older son, Justin so today I wanted to update you on Tyler (my youngest son). Tyler is now 14 and is taller than me and his older brother (and his grandparents…). He wears a size 10 1/2 shoe! This […]
Pictures of Justin’s 19th Birthday
Here are a couple of pictures of Justin on his 19th birthday. Update, he’s doing great, going to meetings daily and working his program. Thank you everyone for your prayers and wishes. Keep them coming! 🙂 This is a picture of Justin with his eyes half shut but I’m a terrible photographer… And here is […]
Justin and I go to Seattle – 8/3/11
Justin and I hopped on the ferry yesterday morning and went to Seattle. We were going to go do some shopping but we spent most of the day driving around lost and stuck in traffic! We did get two decent pictures of the Space Needle and Seattle from the ferry though. The weather was fantastic! […]
An Update on Justin and His Recovery!
For those of you who don’t already know, my son Justin (18) has been battling a life-threatening drug addiction for the past three years. It has torn our family to shreds and demolished his self worth and life in more ways than I can share. I never knew how bad addiction could be until it […]