I hate trying to come up with titles for my blog posts! I have to keep them short and since I’m usually talking about many different things, it’s difficult to decide what (short) title can accurately describe what you get when you click on the link! It’s the same thing with labels, I never know which ones to use…do you mention EVERY subject you talk about or just one?
I’m starting to go through serious scrapbooking/blogging withdrawal! It’s been so long since I could work on my scrap room, and most of my supplies are in boxes all over the house (still), so I haven’t been able to create anything either. Two of my favorite things to do are to scrap and shop, although not always in that order; and I can’t do either right now. Well, I could do both online but it’s not the same. It’s like drinking Diet Pepsi instead of real Pepsi ya know? Only Pepsi lovers with get that joke I think…Anyway, I digress….
Since I’m still stuck in bed and can’t walk or sit up long enough to do much of anything useful, I’ve been trying to keep busy so I don’t go crazy from not just the fatigue, pain and the numerous other physical symptoms of CFIDS, but from boredom and stress about other things going in my life as well. You know what they say about an idle mind…
So, Guess What I’ve Been Doing! (the actual title of this post!)
It all started out with the intention of updating my blog to have three columns and “summery”, cheerful colors, but the more I searched for templates and designs, the more I wasn’t happy with what little is out there (for blogger). I tried modifying other templates/layouts, using existing ones with my own graphics, no matter what I did, I wasn’t able to create what I wanted so….
I decided to ATTEMPT to create my own template, from scratch, using what I’ve learned during this search! YEAH!!!! (????)
I’ve been working tirelessly (which is why I haven’t been blogging), to learn about css and everything else related to designing blogger templates/layouts including widgets, tips, tricks, hacks, etc. Not to mention re-teaching myself how to design graphics using psp . It’s been YEARS since I did any web or graphic design and things have changed SO MUCH!
The most difficult part of the entire process is laughable (almost). One would think that it would be most difficult to learn the blogger coding but it’s not, at least not for me. The hardest part is the css stylesheet! HA! I say that because css shouldn’t be so difficult but I am a visual person and until I can see the colors, fonts, spacing, etc., on the screen, I don’t know what I want. I design webpages the same way I scrapbook…I do a little basic planning but I can’t figure it all out until I see it in front of me.
The first web page I ever made was using “aolpress” which no longer exists (Yes, I’m THAT old!), and I’ll tell ya, technology changes so fast that unless you are consistently involved in this field, I don’t see how anybody can keep up! After aolpress, I believe the next WYSIWYG type editor I used was Dreamweaver but doing this (blog) is basically going back to the days of handcoding with notepad. (which I never did – again, I’m visual). I know nothing about css or xml or blogger…well I do now, but you know what I’m getting at.
I have have already created a new graphic design for this blog using a digital scrapbooking kit that I’ll show you when I launch the new design. I’m so excited about it, but be patient because I’m a perfectionist and it’s taking more time than I had originally planned. (Story of my life)
One of the reasons I am trying to learn about all the different aspects involved in creating a blogger layout/template/theme is so that I can get it just the way I want it which is actually a bit generic. That may not make sense at first but here is why. I know what kind of basic layout I want, and I know that I will be able to grow with it for a long time. However, I want to be able to change my graphics whenever the mood strikes (or the seasons change), and I want to make that process as easy as possible. This means making a generic template that is easily customizable so that everytime I want to change the design of my blog, I can change a couple of codes in the html section (background image, header image, etc.) , then just go to the blogger “layout” section and change my colors and fonts to match my new design. Should take a matter of minutes every time!!!
Doesn’t that sound great?! God knows I do not want to do this much work every time I want to change the look of my blog!
Just like my scrap room, I want my blog to be unique, to show more of my personality, as well as utilizing the coolest widgets/gadgets available that I think would be fun or helpful for my readers (like I have a bunch of them lol).
I finally figured out how to get my comment form embedded directly below the main post so hopefully it will be less confusing to leave comments. My poor mom visited my blog for the first time the other day and couldn’t figure out how to leave a comment.
BTW, if you’ve ever wanted to change your blog design, making changes, add something, etc., let me remind you to BACK UP YOUR EXISTING TEMPLATE. I’m not gonna say why I know this…I’m just sharing some wisdom learned the hard way.
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