If you guessed me, that would be correct! In fact to be clear, I’m having THREE giveaways! Here’s all the details:
There will be three prizes for this giveaway and there are four different ways you can enter to earn up to ten entries per person! All you have to do to win one of the prizes is leave a comment, however you can earn up to 10 entries by doing one or more of the following:
- Leave a comment on my youtube video and you will earn one entry.
- Like my Kat Scrappiness facebook page and earn two additional entries.
- Leave a comment on this blog post and subscribe to my blog via email (top right column of this page) and earn three additional entries.
- Make a youtube video response sharing my giveaway info with your friends and you will earn four additional entries.
That’s up to ten entries per person!!!
There are three prizes. They all include a $5.00 gift certificate to my Etsy shop – www.KatScrappiness.com and one of the prize packages as shown in the video. (Winners will make a list of the items they want from the video and I will do my best to give each winner the items they requested (split three ways equally of course). *Winners will choose which prizes they want in the order that I draw the names.
The contest will remain open until midnight PST on December 3, 2011. I will announce the winners on December 4th!
Thank you for participating, have fun and good luck!
Great Give away!!! Sooo Very Sweet of you!!
love the goodies in your giveaway. my youtube is sular99. thanks for the chance to win 🙂
Hiya Kat! You are so incredibly generous to be giving all of this away (does kitty come with?? hehe) Thank you :))
Amazing giveaway!!!
This is so exciting! I love your videos and your embellishments….you are so talented!!
New follower of your blog Kat but certainly not new to your wonderful YT channel. Thanks for offering all these goodies to all of us, great giveaway!
What an amazing thign you are doing for your follwers. Thanks again for a chance to win some great items.-Terrie
This contest looks so exciting! I’m loving the argyle background to your blog. Also I was dumb and typed in my mailing adress where it said mail instead of my email adress, hahaha.
Hi, Kat! Great giveaway!
Awesome giveaway! I already “like” your FB so here I am at your blog=)Thanks for the chance!!
hey i tried to subscribe via email but there is a play button over the subscribe button??? is it my computer?
Thank you for this generous giveaway!!
Thank you so much for offering a wonderful giveaway. You have really put together a variety of items that are great for scrapbooking. Best of luck to all!
Hugs, Sharon
Amazing stuff..so very thoughtfull..thanks for the chance.
Totally excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On my screen the ‘subscribe’ button is not working either….mine also has a play button over it. Hmm.
You are very generous! Great giveaway!
You have awesome items in ur giveaway! Pick me! Pick me!!
Hi Kat, thanks for the chance to win and great job on all your scrappy goodness videos… I check for them often. I’m on youtube as aliCscrap.
I am now a new follower!! Thanks so much for this giveaway
Hi Kat! I became a follower and subscribed to email updates. Thanks for all the chances to win this wonderful giveaway! My YT name is PatsTreasuresNCrafts. 🙂
What a fun giveaway!
Wowwww what a SUPERRRR great giveaway!! Love all you are giving away! I have seen your video with my mouth wide open!
Creative greetings from the Netherlands,
This is Quitecuteideas from YouTube and this is QUITE a giveaway!!!
I love your blog, thanks for this great giveaway. Hope I win, love all the goodies. Gloria Contreras
Love this awesome giveaway, thanks for this chance to win some of your awesome goodies. Gloria Contreras
Super giveaway!!! I posted on YouTube & subbed your Facebook page. Thanks for chance to win. Rebecca 5redbird
thanks for the chance to win some yummy goodness
my youtube channel is shanjamorjor and blog is crafting passionz and facebook is sharlene peretini or crafting passionz
What an awesome giveaway!! So very generous of you….Thanks for a chance to win!!
This is a very generous giveaway!! Thank you for the chance to win!!!
Just came from ur you tube giveaway contest. Good luck to everyone!!!!
Whew, what a journey to hit all of your media! But very well worth it. You are so generous and I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
What a sweet treat it would be to win some of these goodies. Thanks for being so generous. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. PS Love the kitty.
what a awesome giveaway!!! thank for a chance to win.
mommunson on yt
Super giveaway, thanks so much… really really hope i be one of the blessed scrappers!! 😀
What a fabulous giveaway.
Very generous giveaway!!! Thank you for sharing!
Came from you tube. Thanks for having a give away.
New follower here….love…love…your giveaway….thank you again……I would do a video….but I’m still new…will try….
awesome giveaway….I’ve got my fingers crossed….good luck all…
This is such a great giveaway! Thank you!
omg wow on the giveaway please draw me lol
amazing giveaway, i cant believe how much you are giving away! thank you for the opp. to win!
Great giveaway! My Chihuahua is also named Peanut!
Hey Kat – Wow – you have a huge giveaway!!! what a great way to celebrate your subbies!!! thanks and good luck!
YT – smartypantskidz
Here I am again! I have a cat very similar to yours. Her name is Peaches!
Nice giveaway, congrats on your new subbies including me!
What a ton of goodies in this giveaway. You are so generous in sharing your stash with us, along with all your fabulous videos.
Thanks so much for the wonderful giveaway. You have so many goodies! I have become a follower of your facebook and blog and left a comment on both and the video. Thanks again!
Awesome giveaway Kat! Love your kitty too! Thanks for the opportunity to win:)
What cute cards. I love blogs and I will gladly subscribe. Thanks for chance to win.
Great give away, I’m in love with peanut 🙂 I’d be happy with the tree stamp :)(samaritadeath on utube)
Thanks for the chance to enter such a great giveaway. My youtube name is mrslewisxxx and my facebook name , is Rachael Lewis
Thanks for the chance to win something.
Thanks so much for a chance to win such an awesome giveaway!! You are so generous!! Love how Peanut got involved!!
Thank you for the chance for a your great giveaway. My youtbe name is shysmilingmoose. I went and liked your fb page. Love your kitty cat. I am going to subscribe to your blog as well. Hugs, Francine
wow, I want it all, just pick me… No need to find anyone else. what a great giveaway… pick me…I need new stuff.
Hi Kat! I have posted on my blog about your Humongous Giveaway..Wow you are so very Generous!! Thanks for the chance to win!!
Generous & fabulous giveaway!
Hi Kat! I just subscribed to your blog 🙂 Thanks for hosting this amazing giveaway! (CraftyNikki on YT)
Hi Kat thanks for hosting the giveaway!!!
Holy!!!! thats’ one fantastic prize pack….you are so generous…thank YOU!!! i’m crossing my fingers and toes and even eyes….your the best…www.justwordz.ca
VinnieLynnnie from youtube!!! Following:)
thanks for the chance to win your fabulous giveaway.
Great giveaway thanks for a chance to win..onecraftycookie on YT..
Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance! lflores2011 on youtube and Lisa Flores on facebook!
How generous of a giveaway. I am an email subscriber. I left a comment on your youtube as slrdowney
super giveaway! got you from craftaholic. Thanks for the chance.
Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
thanks for the chance to win such an awesome giveaway !!
Great giveaway! Hope I win one of the prizes – being a newbie don’t have too much – I take it Peanut’s not part of the giveaway – lol. Thanks again. My Youtube is nightangel0515 and my FB nena salvador. Thanks again for your generous giveaway.
Great giveaway. Love the cat.
Hi there, what a fantastic giveaway. You are so generous. The items are truly lovely.
Great giveaway and thanks for a chance to win.
What an awesome giveaway! (craftypat10)
what an awsome giveaway. i would love a chance to win.left a comment on you tube
Wonderful stuff!! I love watching your videos. It is amazing the variety of crafty stuff you have in the USA compared to the UK. Everything is so cheap as well!! Makes me want to visit the US just to craft shopping. LOL
Like Wowzers! Kat that is an amazing Giveaway… Thank you so much for not 1 not 2 but 10 chances to win.. Cool beans 🙂 Hugs Letty.
Great giveaway!!! thanks for the chance to win!
Super Giveaway!! Love all the goodies, thanks a lot for the oportunity!!! Big Hugs.. Maggy 🙂
great giveaway hugs joanne yt joannegreathead
Thanks so much for the chance to enter your very generous giveaway! You have some lovely things in it. Carol
biggest giveaway i’ve ever seen !!!!!
Thanks for the chance to win this fab giveaway!
Love your giveaway
Hugs Pia aka thopia68
Great Giveaway!!
Such a generous give away lots of lovely goodies,thanks for the chance to win.
This giveaway is amazing!
what an awsome giveaway..
thats a amazing giveaway hope i win
Thank you for the chance to enter your generous giveaway more than once!
Thank you so much for offering a wonderful giveaway. best of luck to all!
wow!!could not believe my eyes!! how generous of you !! what an amazing giveaway!!!
I just subscribed via Google Reader. Thanks so much for hosting such a generous give-away!
Oops, forgot to include a link to my blog (which isn’t updated on a regular basis like yours cause I be tumblin’, yo)
thanks for this giveaway xoxo. excited (:
Just signed up via email:) what a great giveaway!! thanks for sharing
Thanks for a chance to win…love your ideas….:-)
Oh my gosh, what a great giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity to win. This would be perfect for my 50th birthday which is the 11th. Thanks again.
Great giveaway Kat! Thanks for a chance to win!
signed up via email. thanks for the chance to win
Yeah! Hi Kat. Im now subscribed to your blog! Whoopee. I have been watching your recent videos on Youtube and became a follower and have only today found out you were having a giveaway! Doh!! So I have done a video response and left a comment on YT and here. Sorry I dont have a Facebook account or I would have done the “like” thingy there too. I know, I know! I must be the only 31 year old who doesnt have facebook lol. Okey dokey, Im off to have a nosey round your blog. Thanks for doing the giveaway and for being so unbelievably generous. Lee xx
Hello and I’m now a subscriber to your blog. I watched some of your vids today and you are a great artist. We are not crafters we are artists. Thank you for all the eye candy!!!
Thank you so much for the great giveaway…your so sweet 🙂
E-mail subscribe…check
Blog comment…check
Facebook like…check
you are incredible!!!!!
i love give aways..
hello it is me from youtube kd435672
would you mind sending me a few things to review for you on youtube after you send them i will have a giveaway telling people to suscribe to your channel and like your facebook.
i enered your giveaway
I’m sorry but I don’t have the ability to send out free samples to everyone who requests them. Also, I’d like for all reviews to be unbiased and therefore cannot send out freebies. If you’d like to place an order and review the products, I can offer you the same special that I offer all of my customers who do haul videos. Anyone who purchases a product from me and does a haul video gets a free item on their next order. Thanks for your interest and good luck in the giveaway!
Hi Kat! Are the winners for your giveaway posted already? Thanks! hehehe
Oh! seen it on your youtube videos. hehehe!