I want to say a great big hello to all my blogger and online friends! I know I haven’t written much this year and I’ve not posted coupons for quite some time but today, I’m feeling “well” and I thought I’d share a few with you. There is a lot going on, some good, some not so good but today is a good day and I’m going to enjoy it! Boy, if anything, having a chronic health condition sure does teach you to TRULY appreciate the good days; heck even the “well” days. That’s fibromyalgia talk for not good but not bad either! lol
Granddad McDreamy
Thank you all for your prayers, my Granddad McDreamy is recovering from his surgery and the pneumonia he got from the surgery and his spirits seem good. God I love that man! He is my hero! He is such a beautiful spirit and I just want to somehow preserve him and keep him the way he is now, forever so that I will never have to go a day without hearing him sing me a song or tell me he loves me. Anyway, thanks again for the prayers, if you live in the Myrtle Beach, SC area and want to visit my G’dad (since I can’t) (and I know you and that you are safe!), email me okay? I’m sure he’d love the company. I’d give anything to have the money to fly out there to spend time with him. He wants to take me fishing in spite of my fish hook “phobia”. He said he’d bait the hook and take the fish off for me. 🙂 I don’t eat fish and I hate fish hooks (long story) but I used to love fishing as a kid. When we were not out on our boat, I’d walk down to the canals with my cane poke and some white bread and try to catch whatever I could lol (This was pre-fish hook phobia). 🙂
Tyler’s 13th Birthday
Tyler’s birthday went well, I still can’t believe he is 13! You have to remember that he is more like 8-10 most of the time (and sometimes 3-5) so the only way I’m reminded of his real age is by his size. The kid is 5″4′ and wears a size 10 1/2 mens shoe already! If he is anything like his donor he will be very tall with extra long limbs. He is the spitting image of him from head to toe. His heart, however, he got from me 🙂 I will share pictures whenever my mom and step dad email them to me. (I still haven’t learned to use my camera!)
My Coupon Website – The Coupon Wiki
I put my coupon website on hold because of a lack of help and knowledge (on my part) but I’ve put almost a year’s work into the site and a lot of money so I am offering an open invitation to anyone who wants to be a part of the website to contact me. You can have your own website and still be part of The Coupon Wiki, so don’t let that hold you back 🙂 It really is a dream of mine to do this but I can’t do it alone so if you have free time and like couponing/writing/blogging/doing anything online, let me know!
Okay, enough begging lol Let’s move on to the coupons I’ve found to share with you today:
When you click on the link, it prints out a $5.00 coupon that expires 6/30/10 and a $10.00 rebate by mail.
Attention All Target Shoppers! (sorry Ginger lol)
Right now you can print an extra $5.00 coupon from Target’s website, stack it with the manufacturer coupon and save $20.00 on Aveeno Ageless Vitality System!
Just go to Target.com and at the bottom of the page, click on “coupons”. Then select the “health and beauty” category and print your Aveeno Coupon!

For all Facebook fans a new $1 coupon is available on Rayovac alkaline batteries. Not a fan yet? No problem, just click on “become a fan” and voila! You can print yours too!
This is a SmartSource coupon so you can’t back click to print it twice, you have to go back to the fan page on facebook and click on the “print your coupon” image to print it a second time.
Click Here to Become a Fan and/or Print Your Coupon
Clean & Clear

Here is the link to the facebook page = BECOME A FAN
If you want to skip all that and just go directly to their site, here is the url: http://www.cleanandclear.com/cool-stuff.jsp
In addition to the coupons you see above, you can also download the following coupons:

I’m working on more printable coupons and will update this page shortly with more but right now I have to go feed two hungry teenage boys!
Happy Printing!
Print coupons at: Coupons.com
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