Not many people know this about me but I have an addiction to watching scrapbooking videos on youtube. It’s the first thing I do when I wake up…I take my meds and while I’m waiting for them to kick in (an hour), I watch the newest videos that were uploaded since the day prior. It’s a good way to start my day until I feel good enough to get up and get going for the day. Well anyway….I decided to start my own youtube channel so that I can share my layouts and hauls, etc. So if you are interested in watching videos such as these, why not stop by and take a look at mine?
I must warn you that my new camera hasn’t arrived yet so I used my webcam to make the video and it’s not the best. On top of that I don’t know how to edit (yet) so during my first video my phone rang and my son answered it and talked to his grandma during my video! LOL
I also found a new Etsy shop today thanks to my new friend Lety (MissChicas1) on youtube and they sell the PRETTIEST trim I’ve ever seen! It’s called Frog Feathers. Cute name huh?
I have a picture of the layout I made for my swap partner, Tiffany and I will upload it later today. For now, my YouTube channel to my youtube channel. Let me know what you think okay? Have a great day and I’ll be back soon!
Omg I thought I was the only one addicted to YouTube videos!! I do that all day long and I am now watching Sewing ones too! 🙂