I’m being a little silly with that dramatic title, aren’t I? Seriously though, I HAVE missed blogging lately. Life seems to be settling down just a tad so I hope to be back at it on a more regular basis again.
It certainly has been a trying year so far! My son is home from hospital and we are (I am) working on a treatment plan for him. Being almost 17, he isn’t always very cooperative but I’m determined not to let something like this happen to him again (If I can help it). I’d like to thank you all so much for your prayers and well wishes. It was one of the most frightening things a parent can go through and If I’d lost him to something as stupid as a drug, I don’t know how I’d survive.
On a more positive note, I have great news about my current health condition! I started a new medication and it’s like a miracle pill! The only side effect is insomnia which is becoming a problem quickly, but it’s sure better than the pain and constant fatigue! I’m going to create a separate post about the medication and what I’ve learned recently for those that are interested in treatment options for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.
Aside from taking care of my son, I’ve been so busy trying to make up for lost time! I’m working on a hundred projects at once (exaggerating of course!), and none are completed…but they are certainly on their way!!!
I’ve been working on my scrapbook room and am about 1/10th of the way finished (lol)! There is one particular project that I’m really excited about but it’s quite a ways away from completion. Let’s just say it has something to do with COUPONS! Couponing is addictive! I went to Albertsons the other day and saved $225.60 in coupons. I ended up paying $120.94. Not bad for a semi-beginner, aye?
So I am “semi-back” from my little break (if you can call it that) and even if you don’t see a lot of blogging, I’m still here, working on some new projects which I will share with you soon! Well, it’s been about 4 1/2 days since I got more than 2 hours of sleep at a time so I’m off to take a nap. (I’m supposed to be out running errands but you won’t tell right?) *grin*
I hope everyone is doing well and may the rest of the year be better than the first half!!! I’ll post about the new meds soon, I hope that it will help others too, it’s seriously a little bit of a miracle for me so far!
Hi!! I am so happy to hear your son is well. I left you a blog post on your other blog, regarding asbergers/autism. I hope you got it!
Take care! Glad you are back to blogging!!