I’m still trying to catch up on things around the house and deal with the kids/house/bills/life, but I wanted to share some new and (fabulous) “news” for those who like me, suffer from Fibro and CFIDS. My doctor added a new medication to my “regimen” and it’s working like a charm so far! I felt MUCH less pain just within the first few days of taking it. It’s called Savella and has actually been approved by the FDA for the treatment of Fibromyalgia. If you haven’t tried it and are still living with pain and fatigue, I can personally recommend contacting your doctor to try it. I can’t believe what a difference it has made in my life. If you click on the image below, it will take you to Savella’s web site.
Another medication that works well for Fibro & CFIDS is Cymbalta. It hasn’t done anything for me but my mom swears by it. I’ve seen her quality of life improve so much since she started taking it. CLICK HERE . to visit the Cymbalta web site.
I read on the web site that you can get a free sample of Cymbalta (with your doctor’s prescription), for more information about their free sample offer, CLICK HERE.
If you live with fibromyalgia and/or chronic fatigue syndrome, you know that it usually takes a “cocktail” of medications to manage these diseases and even when you find one that works, from to time, it still needs to be adjusted. This can be said for any chronic illness though. I was seriously getting so discouraged about my future until I started taking the Savella. It’s only one of MANY medications I take but I just can’t say enough about it! If you want to know what medications I take or what has or hasn’t worked for me, feel free to email me directly. I don’t mind sharing my information with you if you think it would help. I just want everyone to find some relief from this ridiculous disease and get on with living life!
I’d love to hear your feedback about your experiences with Fibro/CFIDS. What helps you? What have you learned that may help others? Please email me directly or leave a comment here on the blog and I promise to get back to you!
I’m off to catch up on stuff around the house (coupon trains to be honest!), but I can’t wait to get back to my daily blogging and twitter’ing. I really miss reading all my favorite blogs and sharing stuff with you!
A sincere thanks to my regular blog readers and followers, it means a lot to me that you find my ramblings interesting enough to read! (lol) It makes my day when someone leaves a comment or emails me to let me know what they think (good or bad!) about something I have posted here on my blog. SO thank you so much!
Much blog love to you all!
Glad to hear you found something that helps !
glad you found something also. I was going to email you to ask about your medications, but i can't find where to email you at here on your blog.
I also have CFS and fibro and arthritis. recently, i hurt my knee and had to have a steroid shot, I couldn't believe how good my whole body felt for 1 week after that. I literally had no pain. which hasn't been for over 22 yrs. Of course I got the red skin and irritablity but also I got ENERGY.
I kept thinking, if I could feel like this everyday, I'd be able to go back to work!!
I have not heard of Savella yet. Do you have any side effects from it??
I also have a blog, haven't written lately but I need to. you can contact me through there. thanks. i like the look of your site also.
I've had fms, cfs and ibs for over 20 years. . . do you have side effects with Savella? Please tell us more! Thanks for a great website! Jacque
Hi Anonymous, I have not had ANY side effects with Savella and it's still helping tremendously. Do you take anything for IBS? I have tried different meds over the years for that and have found that what works best is avoiding certain foods and stress (I'm not so good at the latter lol). Please feel free to contact me anytime, I'll be happy to tell you anything I know that may help. Take care 🙂
Thanks Karrine! Brenda, I am going to contact you through your blog shortly. Thanks so much for reading my blog and leaving feedback. 🙂