Who knew scrapbooking could be a lifesaver?! Well apparently it is, read on…
Awhile back when I was stuck in bed for a VERY long time due to a chronic illness that comes and goes unexpectedly and I started to get very depressed. I went searching on the internet for anything to give me some “oomph” or inspiration to pull myself out of the black hole I felt like I was being pulled into like a magnet and I ran across an article that was written some years ago that just spoke directly to me. I wanted to share it with others who live with a chronic illness but I wanted to get permission from the site owner first. The site seems to be abandoned and has not been updated in some years and my attempts to contact the webmaster have been futile. So I just kind of put it out of mind and went on with my life, until now.
I have not yet learned how to manage this illness (CFIDS & Fibromyalgia) and I overdid things when I started feeling better again and now I’m paying for it. I’ve been back in bed in constant pain for the past few days and I felt myself getting depressed again so I pulled out the article that was submitted by a visitor to the website I mentioned earlier and it struck me that I should post it and share with you in the hopes that it helps someone else who is feeling depressed or maybe is recovering from an illness, etc., and needs some ideas to keep them occupied or inspired until they can feel better. So, here is teh article 🙂 Let me know what you think, especially if you know where the reader (and I) are coming from.
I was introduced to scrapbooking about 1 1/2 yrs. ago by my sister. It looked like a fun way to keep your family history. I have actually been doing it for more than twenty years. I have a scrapbook that I did on my senior trip in high school, including such memorabilia as napkins and match book covers, along with the pictures. Alas, I knew nothing of acid-free scrapbooks, paper and adhesives. My scrapbooks are mainly magnetic albums that are now yellowing around the edges. I have books for each of my children’s birthdays including journaling directly onto the magnetic pages. I have books with the photos taped with cellophane tape directly onto the pages (Horrors!). Several months ago I decided I would begin the task of taking proper care of these precious memories along with starting to keep present history correctly.
Three years ago I became disabled with an auto-immune disorder called Sjorgren’s syndrome (pronounced show-grins). I developed rheumatoid arthritis, and complications too numerous to mention. I had to quit my job as a pediatric nurse of 16 years. I was in and out of the hospital (15 times last year). I fell into a deep depression and along with my physical problems, was bed ridden. I felt I had nothing to live for, I couldn’t take care of my 3 children. I was in excruciating pain every day. Through counseling, surgical implantation of a pump that delivers morphine directly into my spinal column, and lots of love and support from my family I now have something resembling a life. It’s not easy, but I’m out of the pit of despair I lived in for two years and for the most part, out of bed every day .I am at home by myself every day and fairly limited in my activities and abilities. Thus the story of how scrapbooking has changed my life begins.
I love scrapbooking because it has given a purpose to my days. I can preserve my family’s history properly and I have a great time doing it. Even on the days when I can’t get out of bed I pile my supplies around me and start scrappin’! I look forward to each new day and the pages I’ll create. I’m slowly but surely rescuing my precious photos from magnetic album “hell”. I feel like I’m in Kindergarten, (giving me some common ground with my 6 yr. old) getting to use colored paper (acid-free), markers, cool scissors, punches and more. The days literally fly by now, and I go for hours without thinking about the pain. When my husband and children get home from school and work I excitedly show them the day’s “work” (If you can call something this fun, work). Before I started scrapbooking I mainly read all day, but I couldn’t get totally absorbed like I do with my scrapbooks. My quality of life has greatly improved and I feel like I’m accomplishing something worthwhile!
Author: jBuckenmyer, Knoxville, TN
Even on days that I cannot scrap, organize my stuff, work on my scrap room, or shop for new stuff, I try to keep my mind occupied, and my spirit filled by doing something related to this hobby that I love so much. Whether that be reading about it, learning something new, blogging, surfing the internet, or “pretend” shopping online, knowing I can’t really buy the stuff I’m putting into my online shopping cart,
For anyone out there suffering in any way, even if scrapbooking isn’t your “thing”, I hope you will continue to search for something, no matter how big or small, that will keep you going and give you a reason to keep trying, keep hoping for a better day tomorrow.
My sincere blessings go out to you all!
Amen for scrapbooking or any other craft or hobby that gives us joy!