Hi All, My poor little blog has gotten so dusty! I’ve been so busy with life and Kat Scrappiness that I haven’t had time at all to blog. I am still here though and plan to start blogging more as soon as I am finished with my move. (I’m moving!) It’s just 10 minutes away from where I love now but I hope it will be my forever home! I’ve been working to get it remodeled over the past few months and will post some before and after pics when it’s finished!
This means I will have an all new craft room! So look for a craft room tour and pics as well as updated organizational blog posts! I’m changing my entire room from black furniture to white. However, everything at Ikea is out of stock right now (as things are across the country), so it’s slow going to find the furniture I want at the moment. I’ve picked up a few pieces here and there and even got some things off marketplace but I’m very excited to redo my room and change up the colors and update some of my organization methods.
My family is doing well, the boys are grown and living their lives, and a bonus to my move! Tyler will be living with me for awhile until he figures out what he wants to do. (Right now he thinks he wants to move to Texas!). It will be so nice to have him at home with me again! He even gave me the bigger bedroom to use as my craft room and took the smaller bedroom! Nice kid huh? (I bribed him) LOL A girl’s gotta do what she’s gotta do to get her craft room right? LOL
My dad is doing well, it’s been an adjustment since losing mom. He has lost over 100 lbs on the Keto diet and is in great shape. He’s moving back to his hometown which is about an hour and a half a way and my new house is his and mom’s old house. He will be living on five acres with his John Deer tractor (which is his heaven!) so he’s a happy camper.
I don’t know if I mentioned it on here but I lost my Granddad McDreamy two months ago. I took a trip to see him in Myrtle Beach and he passed about a week or two later. I am so grateful I got to spend that time with him. Here’s a photo of us together. (He was 98 1/2)
Although my heart is broken and I still catch myself picking up the phone to call him to tell him about the latest thing happening or to check on him, I know he is happy in heaven surrounded by all his women 🙂 (inside joke that my family will understand). He was ready to go home and had had enough of this world and this life by the time he left us. So I rejoice for him but I miss him so much. I know he and mom are together again so that helps a little knowing I have two guardian angels watching over me.
Also, today was my best friend Elisha’s birthday. She’s been gone since 2014 but it seems like we were just hanging out crafting, shopping and having lunch last month. I’m so grateful to have had her in my life and will never forget the unconditional love and friendship we shared. That was a once in a lifetime friendship! I guess I have three guardian angels now!
Ava is doing well (my dog). She is on a diet because she is getting older and is overweight. I have her on a diet of healthy weight dog food (from costco) and green beans. Although I came home to day and found the garbage can knocked over and she had gotten all the leftovers that were thrown away! Here is her guilty face:
Anyway, that’s the latest with me. I hope you are all crafting and organizing and shopping (at KatScrappiness.com) LOL and enjoying life. I know that the world is crazy right now and this Covid thing is affecting everyone, but we are all getting by as best we can right? I do miss blogging and sharing with you guys and promise that as soon as life settles down I will do my best to blog more. I have so many new organizational and favorites to share with you, I just have to find the time!
Please feel free to contact me as always with your comments or questions. Have a crafty week!
I would NOT be able to tell Ave no to treats, those eyes!!
It’s SO hard!
Loved your post today, Kat!