you have fibroyalgia and get stuck in bed for a few days, leaving your teenagers alone in the house to take care of things (and you!). THIS is what happens!
I have a somewhat capable 18 year old and 13 year old in my home so you would THINK they could clean up after themselves for two days right? NOT in this house! And believe me, the kitchen sink can be used as an indicator for what the rest of my house looks like! Granted, they didn’t make the mess themselves, they had friends over to help them but those friends are pretty darn capable of cleaning up as well!
Even when I do feel better, now I don’t WANT to get out of bed because I have this mess to face all by myself. Let this be a warning to all the moms out there with young children. DO NOT SPOIL YOUR CHILDREN (like I did!), I’m now getting my just rewards!
I was watching a video from one of my favorite scrapbookers today and I got so ummm….JEALOUS! (lol) because her life seems so perfect and interesting and mine seems so…well…um…NOT any of that. Every freaking thing is such a struggle for me that sometimes (usually when I’m sick like now), I just get down in the dumps and feel sorry for myself. I have to remember that it could always be worse, blah, blah, blah. I know all the wise things I SHOULD be telling myself right now but none of it is what I want to hear at the moment. It would be so much easier if I didn’t have this stupid disease throwing a wrench in everything I want to do. But I know that those of you who have CFS and Fibro can understand where I’m coming from. Some days you just have to wallow in it.
Well in case anyone else is having one of these days, let me assure you that you are not alone if your life is not perfect. My house is not clean and beautiful, I don’t have a lot of money, My teenagers are out of control and freaking brats most of the time and I am not married so I don’ t have a perfect husband supporting me. That should make you feel better 🙂
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