I was tagged by Dena. The purpose is to learn more about our blogging friends.
There are 5 Rules:
1. Post these rules.
2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things.
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post.
4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
5. Go to their blog/twitter and tell them you’ve tagged them.
Okay, here goes. I posted the rules so there is ONE. For TWO, here is the most recent picture of me (I took it with my webcam last week) and 11 random things about me.
Random Things about Kat
1. I have two ex-husbands but both marriages combined lasted less than one year
2. I have emetophobia (very seriously!)
3. I have two sons who I love with all my heart and soul, Justin and Tyler (19 and almost 15)
4. I have two dogs who are the best companions ever! They are Abby and Ginger and they light up my life and make it easier!
5. I have an older brother and a half brother who is MUCH older than me (by about 20 years) (who I don't speak to)
6. I LOVE PEPSI! Just hook me up to an IV with pepsi and I'll be happy for the rest of my life LOL
7. Although I live near Seattle now (and have for 14+ years), I am originally from Florida
8. My first name is not actually Kat or Kathleen, but is Holly. My middle name is Kathleen and my nickname is Kat.
9. I consider myself extremely lucky to have the most supportive mom and the best friends anyone could ever ask for.
10. My house is always messy no matter how much I try to clean it. We are a messy family! (I blame the dogs!)
11. Scrapbooking is not just a hobby for me it has at times, been a lifeline.
Three) Here are my answers to the original questions asked by Dena.
1. Do you consider yourself a crafter or artist?
A Crafter
2. What is your favorite paper line of all time?
Wow, that's a really hard one, I'd have to say October Afternoon Sidewalks
3. Are you a DIY kind of person around the house or do you hire people to do it for you?
DIY only because I can't afford to hire someone LOL
4. Do you live to eat or eat to live and what is your favorite food?
Eat to Live, favorite food is probably anything salty or sweet (and Pepsi!)
5. What was your favorite family tradition growing up?
We didn't really have any family traditions…
6. Do you have any famous or infamous ancestors and if so who were they?
The Wright Brothers!
7. What's your favorite technique to use on a project?
Stamping on scrapbooking layouts. Just love it!
8. What is your favorite color combination?
Red and White (polka) of course!
9. Who taught you to drive a car?
My mom 🙂
10. Have you ever been a volunteer, if so what did you do?
Yes, I volunteered at Special Olympics.
11. What one little thing will always make you smile?
Remembering my children as babies and kissing their sweet faces!
FOUR – Questions I chose for the friends I am going to tag!
1. What is your greatest accomplishment in life thus far?
2. Tell us something surprising about yourself or your life.
3. Who inspires you?
4. If you were to create a scrapbook about your life, what would the title be?
5. Do you have any famous crushes?
6. You have a day off, do you scrapbook, sleep or shop?
7. So far, what was your favorite age and why?
8. Dogs or cats?
9. What are your top scrapbooking video pet peeves?
10. Are you a Pea? (If you don't know what that is the answer is no)
11. Do you believe in numerology? (off the wall question there LOL)
I am tagging the following bloggers:
Love your answers! Thanks for taking the time to do this. I had to google what emetophobia is and I have to say that my OCD caused me the same anxiety. I have one other friend who has the same thing so you are not alone! I now know what to call it. I’m not nearly as bad as I used to be. How cool is it that you are related to the Wright brothers. That’s awesome!
Gosh, too bad you don’t still live in Floriday, we could be really good friends! I have 2 ex’s, emetophobia, 2 adult children, a sister (and a brother much older than I who I don’t speak to), Salty and sweet but you can have the Pepsi, I’ll take my Coke! Loved getting to know you and keep on scrapping, I love your artwork! (You are an artist by the way, just so you know!) 🙂