Have you ever been bored enough to look up old boyfriends/fiances/husbands online? (lol) Well I did that recently and did not at all expect to find what I found! I completely and totally see why I didn’t stay with any of them now! I guess at the ripe ole age of 39 +1 (lol), I’ve learned a few things and this recent trip down memory lane confirmed many things after a brief period of reflection.
I could probably write a small book about the relationships, circumstances and how everybody turned out and there’d be plenty of laughs I’m sure…I’ll give you just one, if this doesn’t make you laugh, nothing will!
When I was 16, I was introduced to a young college student on spring break at a friend/co-worker’s party (I lived in West Palm Beach, Florida at the time). I fell head over heels for this mysterious, handsome stranger from Ohio, who was different from any southern boy I’d ever met. We spent a few days together and stayed up all night the night before he had to go home (making out LOL) and then when morning came, it was time for him to go. I remember we exchanged phone numbers on a paper plate because that’s all that was around at the time! We then began to write and call and somehow we kept it going on and off for several years because at one point, after a few visits back and forth, we decided to move in together and ended up engaged and pregnant when I was 19 years old. (yes, in that order!) Although I miscarried that pregnancy, I have this ex to thank for my oldest son’s name, because the name we chose together stuck with me and when I got pregnant a few years later, I kept the name and thus, my beautiful baby boy, Justin Michael Driggers was named! (Who turns 18 this year!!!)
Anyway, this ex was an “actor” and had a great sense of humor as well as a few eccentricities, which I took in stride until I came home from work late one night and found him sleeping on the couch in my old lady, frilly nightgown. I stood there shocked with my mouth hung open and asked him what the _____ he was dong and his reply was “I missed you, I just wanted to feel closer to you”. Being young and naive, but not THAT naive, I needed a second opinion so I went into the bedroom to change and called my mom, whispering to her what I had just seen. Her advice was “get out of there now and come home!”. So I took her advice!
My mom’s wisdom is never-ending and a few short weeks later I stopped by to pick up some of my things and he had already had a co-worker sleeping with him in our apartment….before I had even had a chance to move everything out! I wondered at that time, how he could have gotten over me that fast when we had our wedding planned, the dress in the closet, and a miscarriage less than a month earlier but now I know it was fate and that we were both better off.
It’s been a little over 20 years since then and I looked his name up online out of curiosity one day and was surprised to see how his life had turned out. Well, partially surprised. I guess my biggest surprise was that he actually married a woman (I had suspected he was gay for many other reasons), but then I watched a few of his videos online (still an actor) and remembered the things that I fell in love with when I was with him. Those things were still there, especially his sense of humor and talent. He seemed to be happily married and had no children, which also surprised me because he was so thrilled when we found out we were expecting so many years ago. Anyway, it was nice to remember the good things about him that made melt as a young woman while knowing that we were SOOO not meant for one another! I am happy that he seems happy with his life and very much enjoyed watching his videos online. Every once in awhile I go look to see if he has anything new up there (he and his wife are actually very funny in the plays I’ve seen online) and recently I saw his latest little film that made me LAUGH OUT LOUD. It was so funny!
I was going to share it here but I wonder if I’ve told you too much now…what do you think? Should I share the link with you so you can see it? What the heck, here’s the video, remember we were very young and we’ve both changed a LOT I’m sure since then LOL. (I gotta find some old pictures to show you when I tell these types of stories!!)
You can see that he still has a great sense of humor just by watching this silly, goofiness! And although we didn’t end up together, I couldn’t be happier for him, or for me, because things worked out the way they were supposed to.
Hope that video made you laugh today, and heck, if you look up an ex, remember that everything happens for a reason 🙂
Next time, I’ll tell you about my ex husband that I googled the other day! LOL (Can you tell I was bored when I was sick last week?)
POST #3 today….. I thought the video was a riot….thanks for the laugh!
Hmmmm ok this is an edit…never saw it post like this before but I checked google instead of anonymous like I usually do !?
post #4…this one's a test
I watched your ex's happy dance. You may have been right to question his sexuality. I'm from Ohio and not too many guys (at least that I've checked out-and I check out guys often-LOL) wear the jeans with the buttoned flap on the back pocket. The "happy" marriage may just be a front! He may just keep her around to borrow her clothes! LOL!