Jeez Louise! I was writing articles for my new coupon class series for The Coupon and noticed a drip mark on my screen so I reached over and grabbed the little spray bottle that I THOUGHT was screen cleaner only to find out after spraying it everywhere that it was in fact Degree Sexy Intrigue Body Mist! The laptop screen looks clean and SMELLS very sexy (lol) but does anyone know if my little boo-boo can cause permanent damage to my laptop screen?
The bottles are almost identical in size and shape, the only difference is the label of course (which I didn’t even look at because I was multi-tasking as usual) and the contents! Well hopefully the smell will fade (It’s a whole lot of sexy intrigue at once!) and my screen will be okay. Bad news is I can’t find the screen cleaner now to try to clean off the body mist!
Moral of my story….
Always check the label before spraying chemicals! (lol)
You would have thought I’d know better by now because I saw an episode of one of those ER Trauma Reality shows awhile back where a girl put super glue in her eyes thinking it was eye drops and ever since I obsessively, compulsively check my eye drop bottle 10 times before I EVER put drops in my eyes LOL (Yes, they fixed her eyes lol)
Oh my gosh, that is so funny. I can totally relate to doing things like that. I sprayed Visine up my nose once, thinking it was nasal spray.
Hope your screen is ok!! I would think that you would know right away if it were damaged.
You sound like you are feeling so much better. Glad to hear it!
My screen turned out to be fine and the smell has faded now. (Thank God lol). Ouch about the visine! That couldn't have been pleasant! Thanks for the comments 🙂