Can you find something that stands out to you in this photo? Leave a comment once you find it and you may win a surprise from me! Be sure to include the state you live in, in your comment!
Funny for the day :)
I got this in my email today and thought it was funny so I have to share it with ya 🙂 Guess What? My new coupon site is now open for beta testing! Visit the newest couponing community The Coupon
Tyler, Autism and a funny joke…
So the other day, I asked Tyler to take the clothes out of the washer and put them into the dryer because I was out of something. A few hours later I went to the dryer to get my dry clothes because I was running late for an appointment and what do I find? A […]
A Little Political Humor :-)
My step-dad (retired navy sailor) sent this to me and it was so funny I had to share it. You have to admire his honesty anyway LOL Print coupons at:
Uh-Oh – Ever cleaned your laptop screen with body mist by accident?
Jeez Louise! I was writing articles for my new coupon class series for The Coupon and noticed a drip mark on my screen so I reached over and grabbed the little spray bottle that I THOUGHT was screen cleaner only to find out after spraying it everywhere that it was in fact Degree Sexy […]
Ever looked up your ex’s online?
Have you ever been bored enough to look up old boyfriends/fiances/husbands online? (lol) Well I did that recently and did not at all expect to find what I found! I completely and totally see why I didn’t stay with any of them now! I guess at the ripe ole age of 39 +1 (lol), I’ve […]
This Should Make You Smile!
Another great find that was sent to me via email. I really get some great stuff from my friends and family 🙂 Thanks all! If you’re worried about squirrels getting into your bird seed… — — — What I’d like to know is: What the heck is that line made of? Print Coupons at:
Warning: Sense of Humor Required to Read This Post!
I got this in my email today and thought it was interesting until I got to the last picture and it just made me laugh out loud (LOL). Not much can do that lately so I thought I’d share it. Hope it makes you laugh as well 🙂 AMAZING AND UNIQUE ANIMAL SPECIES Our planet […]
You Know You Live In Washington When…
I had to share this because even though I’m not originally from here (From Florida), I have found these all to be true! LOL If someone in a Home Depot store offers you assistance and they don’t work there, you live in Washington . If you’ve worn shorts, sandals and a parka at the same […]