That’s what Justin’s new tattoo says. The meaning behind it has to do with getting sober. So, last night we went to get Justin a new tattoo and even though Tyler had an ear infection/the flu, he went with us anyway. The boys got along so well and it was such a pleasure to be with both of my boys at the same time and have everyone get along!
The tattoo place was SO COOL, take a look at this doorknob!
Here is a picture of Justin and Tyler standing next to each other. Guess which one is 19 and which one is 14? LOL
Here is a picture of Justin getting his tattoo.
And finally, Justin’s new tattoo (looks painful doesn’t it?)
The date (January 7, 2012) stands for the day that he died/came back and was given another chance at life! Guess where he is right now? Yep, a meeting! I’m so proud of him!!! Things look good today!
Thanks for stopping by and thank you everyone for your continued messages about Justin, Tyler and I. It is so touching that so many of you care about us. We are so grateful for you all!
Impressive tattoo. I hope it helps him stay strong. It’s an ongoing battle, but so worth it. My son is 9 months sober today. He said it didn’t seem like that long. I told him that when you’re the mom who worries all night long about her son and gets those middle-of-the-night phone calls about her drunk son, it definitely seems like 9 months. There will always be tests and triggers, but with the right mind and support system, he will stay strong. Blessings.