Introducing Max Driggers!
Hi everyone! I want to introduce you to a new member of the Driggers’ family.
Max is a four month old terrier/chihuahua mix who we adopted from the Kitsap Humane Society. He is so sweet, loving and FUN! Not to mention HIGH ENERGY! Everyone in the family loves him and he loves us, however, he is still “getting to know” the cats and they, him. (LOL).
He has a tendency to chase the cats, all except Peanut, who puts up with NOTHING from ANYONE and weighs four times as much as Max LOL.
The other cats still run from him but yesterday Peanut had Max “cornered” and we had to “save” him! LOL He bit off more than he could chew so to speak in that situation.
Other than that, he is fitting in perfectly. I think Abby would be happy to have him as part of the family. She would have loved him and his high, happy energy.
He is not house trained and that’s a definite bummer but we are working on it. I bought a crate/kennel and he slept in it last night and only screamed and cried for about an hour (LOL) Thank God for google! There is so much information on how to do everything on there! They suggested we ignore her crying and each night it will be shorter and shorter until finally, she learns to like her kennel. I am also leaving the door open all day so she can go in and out of there. Her food and water is in there too so she’s not scared to go in. Fingers crossed that all this will work quickly because I am NO FAN of bodily fluids hahaha
Anyway, that is what is new in our house. I still love and miss my Abby girl and will forever, but Max is helping us heal a little at a time.
I’ll probably blog about him from time to time and if you follow me on Facebook, you will see pictures of him almost daily because I always share lots of pictures on my FB of my family 🙂 (If you friend me on Facebook, please send a message and let me know that you read my blog. I don’t accept friend requests from people I don’t know or have friends in common with but if you message me I will add you).
It’s such a shock to the system to have a 6.5 lb dog when I’m used to my 135lb Abby lol Everything we have is maxi sized and max need mini sized everything. So I am donating a lot to KHS and have been to the pet store to get new (small) everything a puppy could want and need. I even bought stairs so he can get up and down off my bed. He can jump up there when he’s real excited but I was told it’s not good for him to be jumping down so far and sometimes he misses and can’t make it so I figured the stairs are a “better safe than sorry” sort of thing.
Anyway, I gave Max one of Abby’s cow ears that she loved so much and he has been chewing on it since we got him. Abby used to finish those in less than 2-3 minutes. (I still get choked up and teary just thinking and typing about her. I love her so much.) Anyway (wipes tears from eyes), I bought a booster seat for Max to use in the car and a “sling” so i can carry him around but i’m returning that because he will NOT let me put him in that thing hahaha (If you have any tips about how to get all four legs in this thing without him fighting to get out, let me know before I return it, I’d appreciate it!)

The second reason for writing this post was to wish you all a VERY Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I also want to say to all of you who still read and follow my blog, how much it means to me that you haven’t given up on me because I know I’m not a “regular” poster anymore. It’s just that life is so busy and the store takes up so much of my time that I find very little time to blog.
I hope to find more time in the new year for that. (That’s one of my resolutions)! I will always update this blog to keep you updated on what’s going on in both the crafty world and in my own. I will also always share my ‘Favorites and Organizational Tips with you. I really enjoy doing that.
As for Christmas in our home, my brother and his three children are coming to visit (they come every Christmas) and I’m very excited. I love my butt-head brother to pieces but only get to see him once a year. He lives in Idaho and I live near Seattle. I see my nieces and nephew twice a year because my sister in law brings them down in the summer for a couple of weeks. (She doesn’t come for Christmas because she works at the ski resort back home in the winter and my brother is off in winter. He works in the spring/summer/fall driving heavy equipment and she is off then). It works out well for them! Someone is always home with the kids and I love that. I do wish we could see her for Christmas too though. She will be missed.
They split their time here between my parent’s house and mine. (We live 5 minutes apart). I know my mom and dad are really excited to see them too. This is a very exciting time for us. My grandson is the same exact age as my nephew so they are favorite cousins and best friends and LOVE to get together! So Dakota (grandson) is very excited also.
The only sad part of Christmas this year is that Abby will not be here with us. I hope she is here in spirit though. I am thinking of her every day and will never forget her.
I hope that you are able to spend the holidays with your friends and family. This past year I’ve been so very blessed with the very best friends. You probably remember that I lost my best friend Elisha about 4 years ago) and I really feel like she has blessed me with so many New and REAL friends in the past several years. I am very lucky to have them in my life and am now old enough to appreciate that fact! I will never take my friends or family for granted (God willing) and hope you all take a moment to tell those you love how much you appreciate them being in your life this holiday season. Your whole life can change in an instant so it’s important to let them know how much you love them!
Well there is much to do today (mostly cleaning LOL) before everyone gets here so I will end this post for now, but here is a picture of Max as he fell asleep last night. Have a Merry Christmas and a Blessed and Happy New Year. I hope all your dreams come true.
After 5 years, we got a new rescue Yorkie. She is 3, housebroken, but needs socialization. Small dogs have about 6 months before their bladders are controlled well. I tried puppy pads with my first Yorkie, who was a puppy, and had no success. Others did great with them. Good luck, and no dog will ever replace another., but she will dig her own place in your heart ❤️ has
ahh! We got a Jack Russell recently. Love her….. so much energy 🙂 I wish I could attach a photo! Kathy Clement designed this awesome mini album for The Button Farm Club just in time 🙂