Hi everyone! I am taking a break from hanging shelves and unpacking to give ya’ll an update on things. As you can see from the photos below, I still have a LOT to do around here until I’m up and running again!
(Right side of the living/craft room )
(Left side of the living/craft room)
And this is just ONE room LOL You should see the rest of the house! In all honesty though, this is the most difficult and time consuming room so I’ll just be glad when it’s finished!
I’ve met my neighbors and they are super sweet and helpful and one of them is the leader of the neighborhood watch group so that’s helpful! Justin is settling in okay and Tyler is still at my mom’s helping them. OH I didn’t tell you about that yet!
My son Tyler is staying with my parents because my step-dad fell off a roof at work and broke 6 ribs, his collar bone and sternum and the found a mass in his neck when doing a CT scan. He has to have surgery on his collarbone to put a metal plate and screws in it to hold the bone together. We are waiting for a specialist to see him with regard to the mass in his neck – prayers are appreciated. Needless to say, since both my parents are incapacitated, they needed help and Tyler wanted to stay at his previous school so he moved in with them during the week and will come home on weekends. I miss him terribly but feel better knowing someone is there to help my parents.
That’s another reason it’s taking so long for me to get unpacked, I have been taking both parents to multiple appointments, therapies, etc and by the time I get home I’m wiped out! I’m not stressing about it though, the only thing I worry about is getting my scrapbooking orders out on time.
Well guys, that’s it for my update, I’m off to take an hour’s nap before I go back to work. I hope you are all doing well!
What a lot you have going on. Your parents are in my prayers, but I also pray you have the strength to keep going. Hang in there, it will get better.
I stopped right now and said a prayer.
Thank you so much!