Excerpts taken from the two peas message forum. These ladies crack me up, here are some of their responses…
You know you are a scrapbooker when…
- Your kids ask if “this” is going in a scrapbook.
- If you qualify if you have a separate clause in your home owners insurance covering your scrapbooking supplies.
- You take your daughter to the movies and she hands you the tickets afterward and says “saved these so you could scrap it”!
- Your SO asks when you’re going to invite some of the Peas over to play so that you “will have someone to chat with that knows what the hell you’re talking about”.
- Your kids ask you if their suitcases are going to fit in the car because you are bringing scrap stuff on vacation!
- When you torture your cat with hats so you have something to scrapbook.
- When you go on vacation and Google the closest Scrapbook Store!
- You search for Christmas PJs that don’t clash with the wrapping paper you bought.
- When my son had surgery he asked the doctor if we could get enough photos for a double page layout.
- You ask your daughter (2.5) to spill more juice and lick it off the table again so you can get a picture.
- When your four year old reminds you that you haven’t made a LO about him/them in a while!
- You name your kids names that don’t have double letters, don’t share any letters in common and one kid has a Q, one has a Z and one has an X in their name. Gotta make the most of those Thickers and letter stickers.
- When you drop your son off at college and then realize he left some paperwork/schedule stuff in the car and when you call him to ask him if he needs it, he says, “No, I have another copy; you can scrap that one.”
- Your kids save all of their stubs, maps, special school stuff and other neat things and ask you to scrap them.
- When you thought you must have spilled something on the floor as it seems sticky, only to find out it a glue dot on the bottom of your slipper.
- When your son gives you his first kung fu uniform to include in his kung fu scrapbook.
- You buy outfits/clothing for you and the family because you have the perfect paper to scrap with for an event.
I will add to this list as the answers appear on the message board. Do you have a funny one to add? Leave a comment and I’ll add it to the list!
Yep, I am guilty of most of those. lol
And the best part of these are…..our kids, DH, family, and friends don’t even know when they say “you can scrap this”…it’s a normal thing…..like good morning…good afternoon, goodnight….LOL
LOL, now these are funny!