For all of my blog readers who have been following my mom’s progression with Parkinson’s, I wanted to post a quick update. Her kidneys are shutting down and she can no longer be fed through the feeding tube because any liquids she gets are accumulating in her lungs. She has a horrible cough that sounds like pneumonia but I’m not sure if it’s actual pneumonia or not. The hospice nurse only comes once a week for a few minutes so my dad and Sister in Law are doing all the hard work.
Mom cannot communicate at all, not even by blinking, so it’s very hard to know what she is feeling or what she needs. She will cry sometimes and we just have to console her the best we can. Other than my son’s overdose, this is the hardest thing I’ve ever experienced and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, ever. I am however, thankful she’s not suffering from severe pain (that we know of). Her breathing is labored at times and it’s scary. She will stare into my eyes for a very long time and I just smile at her and talk to her like I normally would.
I’ve never lost anyone this way before, and the only person I’ve ever been close to that passed away was my best friend Elisha, which was five years ago and was sudden and unexpected. This is my mom though so this is even harder…
Anyway, I was able to snap a few precious photos that will mean a lot to us in the future and I’ll share a few with you.
This is my dad looking lovingly into my moms eyes and her looking back at him. All I see when I look at this photo is pure and unconditional love. <3
This is a photo of my mom and I holding on to each other. I will never forget holding her hand throughout this. I sure miss her hugs already as she is no longer able to do that.
This is my oldest son Justin, holding on to is Grandma, these two have been inseparable since he was born. He is taking this really hard as you can imagine.
This is my sister in law, Kristenah Driggers, loving on and caring for my mom. She has been a rock for my entire family and spent the majority of her summer here with my nieces and nephew. She has a nursing background and has done everything along with my dad to care for my mom. She has been taking as good of care for my mom as she did for her mom when her mom was passing from cancer. Kristenah has been through the wringer when it comes to losing loved ones, and her heart is HUGE. I cannot thank her enough or say enough good things about her, we love her and she is family.
This last photo is of my friend and neighbor who has been cutting mom’s hair at their house for the last year or so. She has a huge heart and came out one last time to do mom’s hair and paint her fingers and toes. She brought mom some beautiful flowers. Mom was not able to respond but I know she appreciated it very much. Thank you Ashton!
Last I want to share a little story about something that happened yesterday at moms. A few years back, I made mom a scrapbook for Mother’s Day. It had photos from when she was a baby all throughout her childhood and up to her senior graduation. My brother and I held the scrapbook on her lap and flipped through the pages showing it to her. She actually laughed at some of the pictures and I saw joy in her eyes. I stopped scrapbooking a few years ago because my kids are not interested in the scrapbooks right now and I thought it was becoming a waste of time and money. Yesterday I realized, these books may mean something to someone one day and I am going to do my best to finish the unfinished ones and start new ones for my grandson and nieces and nephew. It was such a blessing to share that moment with my mom and brother. I will love those two with all my heart until the end of time.
Finally, I want to thank you for the emails and messages I’ve gotten over the years about my mom’s struggle with this horrific disease. Watching someone you love so dearly lose one ability at a time until they are all gone, is something I wouldn’t wish on anyone. My mom’s mom (my grandmother) also passed from Parkinson’s about 8 years ago and I pray that this is the last we see of this disease in our family.
Thank you all for your support and well wishes. Please continue to pray for an easy and peaceful transition for my mom. Man that sentence was hard to type….
Love to all,
I am in tears after reading your post. 💔💔💔. I started to read it but my eyes went straight to the photo of your mom and dad. I immediately saw the love in your dad’s eyes that he has for your mom. It’s wonderful to see you have such a support system as well, it’s very important for everyone involved. I lost my mom to a long horrible battle with cancer 3 yrs ago and I know there are no words that will help but I wish you and your family strength during this difficult time. Enjoy each and every joy that presents itself. ❤️
Kat, I am so sorry you are going through this. Your update reminds me of the 6 months we spent with my father. After his third stroke, he was in a light coma until he finally passed, but he communicated by reaching out to hold my hand, listening to stories of days past with tears coming down his face, etc. Holding his hand during that time was precious in my mind.
You are a strong woman, and you are doing all you can to keep your mother comfortable. I will continue to pray for you and your family
I was fortunate that my mom passed peacefully in a very short time and did not suffer. I watched my younger sister and also my best friend both die from cancer before my eyes. It is very heartbreaking. Hugs and live to you and your entire family including your mom!
I can’t imagine how this disease has destroyed so many. God bless your sweet Mom and you and your family. I love that you update us. We do care! Hugs my sweet friend!
Father in the name of Jesus kat and her family needs help with her mom. Give her mom some peace and comfort. We know you are able to send her mom peace and comfort. I ask that you wrap your loving arms around the Family in Jesus name Amen. Scrappygadgetgirl
These are beautiful thoughts and memories Kathleen. I wish you much strength and peace during this time.
Praying! I have no words that haven’t already been said. Just know I am praying for you and my heart hurts for you. My boys’ dad has Parkinsons. So far, he is still up and about – but I dread thinking of what they face some day, probably sooner, than later. I know that God is holding you and your family in his huge arms. Love and Hugs!
Kathleen you are a very special lady full of love for your mom, family and friends. I’m so happy you have decided to return to scrapbooking. It is healing and yes, very important for those we love who can share our memories. Prayers and big hugs to you and your family. Good bless your mom. XO
Thank you for sharing this.. I was with my mother mother when she passed into her heavenly home. It didn’t hurt then, because there was so much activity going on and the nurses were in a change of shift. It hit then, only recently when I think of her. She was a wonderful mother who overcame so many obstacles. Your mother gave you the strength to carry on once she had left..I know you will allow this to enter your life and carry on living as she wished for your.
Many blessings, Ann Marie
Good photos and good to write your story Kat. For what it’s worth 5 yrs. Ago I did all this for my Mom by myself so I truly understand your journey. You will not regret all your efforts. Tell your Mom I care.
Love to all.
Oh Sweet Kat: I am in tears right now. I remember the wonderful times your Mom and I had. I have missed her so much. She is such a special woman. She raised you to be special also. I know how much she loves you and you her. It is so hard to lose your Mom and especially this way. I pray that she is at peace soon (as hard as that is for those left behind). I also pray for dear Rex. He is a wonderful man and brought Holly much joy and happiness. I am so glad she found him but if I remember right it was you that found him for your Mom. I remember how funny she was about going out with him and her relaying a few “firsts” to me. I love her so much. Sending hugs and prayers to you all. Love you lots, Pam
I am so sorry that you & your family are having to go through this tough time. I pray that God will draw close to each of you & give you peace & comfort in the days to come.
I am so glad for you that you thought to get these precious pictures while you could. They will be such a comfort to you in future days. Sounds like you have a very loving sister-in-law who is capable of helping a lot & doing so much for your family…which is her family too.
In times like these, we just have to turn everything over to God & trust Him to do what is best in His all-knowing eyes for everyone concerned.
I will add you & your family to my personal prayer list & pray for you daily.
Thank you also for sharing so others, who might be in a similar situation, will be encouraged & feel the love & comfort & peace of our Heavenly Father.
My heart breaks for you just reading this. My mom passed a year ago from a long drawn out battle with dementia. It is so heartbreaking. Towards the end we could tell she was ready but her body just kept hanging on. The last month was the worse. Hoping your mama is pain free and sitting with our good Lord soon, always smiling done with pride on her family forevermore. I pray that you will find the strength for your mama and just love her always. It is especially hard when it is HER. Big hugs coming your way ❤️
I am so sorry that your family is going through this right now. I am currently taking care of my mother with ALS and I understand the struggle. I have put my crafting on the back burner for now but I know this is just a chapter in my life that I will get though. Hugs to you and my thoughts are with you!
I am so sorry to hear about your mom. That is a tragic disease and you and your mom are in my thoughts and prayers. Crafting can be like therapy for the soul…you will get back to it when the time is right. Hugs
I’m a friend of Kristenah’s and I know what a wonderful beautiful lady inside and out I know Mike’s mother has the best care a person can have Holly will be welcomed into the arms of Jesus and Kristenah’s mom Cindy my prayers are with the Drigger family my God bless the whole family
My heart truly goes out to you and your family. I can relate so well because when I lost my mom it was the hardest thing ever. She was a single mom and devoted her entire life to making sure my life was a happy one. Our moms are our best friends (even during times that we forget that) and our biggest supporters. Hang in there…..I know it’s hard. You are all showing how much you love her and as she nears her end, that is the best gift she will ever receive. Hugs to your mom and your whole family. That picture of your parents…..beautiful!
I know how hard it is to stand on the sidelines as our loved ones become so diminished and to feel so helpless. I lost my mom (twice over) to Alzheimer’s because first you lose them mentally and emotionally, and then you lose them physically 😢 I was able to care for her in our home the last 9+ months of her life, and as it was the absolute hardest thing I have ever done, I will be eternally gratefully that I was allowed the privilege and the blessings of being able to do that for her. Hospice was available initially once a week, and then twice a week during that time, and it was especially difficult as I had 4 young children and a husband needing me as well, but God gave me the strength to do what I needed to do, and I am a better person for having gone through the experience! I love the picture you were able to get of your dad with her, and you are 100% on point with your observation of unconditional love! That is such a huge blessing and he must be a very special man! Sending prayers that you will find peace and solace in the coming days. Our loved ones will always be with us as they have touched our lives in ways that can never be taken from us!