Hi everyone! I hope you are having a great weekend! I wanted to share with you a new release that me and my team have worked really hard on for Valentine’s Day this year. I hope you will take a moment to go see some of the sample cards my design team has made using […]
A New Puppy & a New Valentine Release!
Happy New Year! I hope you all had a safe and fun New Year and that 2023 has started out well for you! I have some exciting news to share! WE GOT A NEW PUPPY! His name is Bailey and he is 12 weeks old. He is a Mini Aussie and Ava is NOT thrilled […]
Merry Christmas and Some After Christmas Sales!
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! I’m so happy because my brother and my niece and nephew are here along with my dad and my son, Tyler. It’s t the first year I’ve ever cooked (I don’t cook) so fingers crossed nobody gets sick haha I’m making ham, little smokies, deviled eggs, mashed potatoes, corn casserole and green […]
A Few More Christmas Cards and Great Sales for Crafters!
Hi all! I made a few more Christmas cards so I thought I’d share some with you. I didn’t get enough done for everyone but I did get about half made. Time just got away from me. I’ve been getting things ready because my brother, my niece and nephew are coming to stay with […]
I am! Credit card in hand, ready to shop! Hi everyone! It’s the biggest and best shopping weekend of the year! Some places have cheated and already started but I will not start shopping until the day after Thanksgiving LOL. I plan to share my favorite sales with you here on this post, and will […]
New Christmas Release at Kat Scrappiness!!
It’s here! The Christmas release from Kat Scrappiness is finally here and available to order! This release has so much to offer, I can’t wait to see what you think of it! Here are some of my favorite cards made by the design team using the products from this release! Also new are Full Front […]
Look What’s Happening Lately!
Hi everyone! I’ve been busy behind the scenes at Kat Scrappiness, but I did manage to take a day off and go to the Toutle River over by Mt St Helens on Saturday! It was a beautiful day but I didn’t get to go tubing because I’m stuck in a walking boot until further notice! […]
Happy Easter Weekend and Easter Craft Sale!
Happy Easter Weekend everyone! I hope you have some fun plans with your loved ones this weekend! I have my grandson so I’m going to make him a basket and re-live the days when my kids were little and I celebrated with them! (They are 24 and 29 now) The reason for this post other […]
NEW! Card Storage Box from Stamp-n-Storage!
Hi crafters! I was so excited to see this new card storage solution today and wanted to share it with you! Introducing the Card & Photo Drawer Cabinet. A dream cabinet for both scrapbookers and card makers! Purchase today through Midnight Friday (3/25/22), and you’ll receive a FREE pack of Aqua Card & Photo Dividers […]