I am SO SORRY I haven’t been blogging regularly or making youtube videos guys. Life around here has been crazy! Justin leaves tomorrow for another stint in rehab for 30 days and I’m in the process of house/apartment hunting and it’s really difficult in this school district to find something big enough for my family […]
Beautiful Song from a Beautiful Girl…
I saw this and it touched me so…that I just had to share it with my blog readers. I’m speechless… (Update: the video isn’t working here on my page but you can click here to see it on facebook.)
A Year Ago Today….Remembering Ginger
A year ago today, I said goodbye to my beloved best friend for 12 1/2 years, Ginger. It was so difficult and even today I find myself in tears if I think about her too much. I still call Abby by Ginger’s name periodically and catch myself looking for her from time to time. I’m […]
Hello from Kat!
Hi everyone! I’m so sorry it’s been so long since I blogged but to be honest I don’t like to blog when things aren’t going well and we’ve been struggling quite a bit around here. Nothing drastic but just a daily struggle. I haven’t been able to scrapbook so that’s why you haven’t seen any […]
Broken Pieces…
Just when I thought the hard part was over, that the worst was behind us, my world comes crumbling down again. Please keep my son and family in your prayers as we continue to fight this battle with the evil that is addiction. Thank you.
How to Embarrass your 15 year old son…
Apparently it’s not “cool” to ask the waitress at Red Robin if you can have “extras” of the little doilies they put under your bowl and on top of the plates so you can use them for scrapbooking! It’s “EMBARRASSING MOM!”. lolhe Tyler hurt himself again yesterday skateboarding so he stayed home from school and […]
One Year Later…
I cannot believe an entire year has past since that dreadful day when the police knocked on my door to tell me that my son was in the hospital in Idaho and it was serious. Within moments I was on the phone with the hospital and family and all I remember is hearing, Justin overdosed […]
A Driggers Family Update
It’s been awhile since I posted again…I just can’t find the time between running Kat Scrappiness and regular life stuff going on. Last night I had a dream and I believe it was a visitation type dream from Ginger 🙂 It was SO REAL! I’ve been missing her a lot lately and while Abby is […]
Just another day in the Driggers’ Household…
Hi everybody! Long time no see, right? I don’t have a special reason for blogging today, I just had a few minutes (well I TOOK a few minutes) and thought I’d say hello and let you all know I’m still around. Life here is good, could be worse, could be better but that’s the way […]